Cambridge WordPress: Wordpress 5.8


Tonight's Zoom topic for sharing/discussion is around Wordpress 5.8, which is quite a major update. As most of us have noticed, Gutenberg is rapidly improving. This discussion/sharing will probably be a little more technical.

At the moment we don't have a speaker/guru/expert. Rather hoping a few members would like to research a few Wordpress 5.8 features. Everyone welcome to ask questions, which creates marvellous discussions. No requirement for the speaker to know the answer. Usually someone has some ideas.

The meeting is on zoom, as we often attract wonderfully knowledgeable people from America, Europe, and across the UK. For September/October we are looking for a suitable place in town to actually meet, and enable members from outside town to join us.

Thanks to Chris Cox of for providing Zoom.
This meetup website should reveal the Zoom details, once you've registered. On the Monday I'll send an email to everyone who registered with the Zoom details. Zoom tends not to reveal the details once the meeting starts.

This format seems to work.

7:00pm: Welcome. Depending on numbers, everyone gets to introduce themselves, perhaps 10 seconds each, mainly describing their involvement with WordPress. If we have many attendees, then introductions via the chat.

7:10 pm: Start of sharing & discussion.

8:30 There its a desire to wrap up the meeting by about 8:30PM, but it might roll on to 9pm.

This meeting is sponsored by Twin Dots ( the leading branding, design and development agency in Newmarket. Twin Dots has clients like Cambridge Marketing College, 450 GSM, Racing Welfare, and Devam the jewellers.