WordPress Happiness Bar


Due the Corvad 19 pandemic - WordCamps are no longer live in person events - they have moved to online formats or they have cancelled- until further notice. Go to WordCamp.org for further information

WordPress meetups have also cancelled or have gone to an online format - WordPress is recommending all meetups cancel in person meetups until things open up again

So far as the local group Third St Stuff is closed as is everything else - The Lexington Libraries are closed and so our reservations for meeting room space have been cancelled

So far a online or virtual Meetups go - first the 2nd Thursday Happiness Bar format is basically a place for problem solving and or showing what you are working on. This can easily continue on our Slack Channel - I will make certain to have Slack up and open on the 2nd Thursday evening of every month starting at 6:30 PM until at least 8:00 PM - Please try to drop by. Activity will be on the #General channel

So far as the last Monday of the month meetups held on Monday evenings - we might give that a try with Zoom or ZoHo - the problem though is with the extreme increase in Zoom and ZoHo use both platforms have become unstable and unreliable - webinars will start off OK and within minutes fail - that means a new link has to be set up and attempted which also means everyone must be notified of the new link

And there is another thing going on - if you post a Zoom link publicly - like here on Meetup for example or on websites or social media --- scammers have figured out how to "scrape" the link and join in
webinars - once inside they are taking over the webinars and scree n share and showing porno stuff. WordPress - Wordcamp organizers are warning against publicly posting Zoom and ZoHo link and I would assume that also includes Webly -

I am not certain I will post a new monthly Meetup this month and will wait an see how this is looking Mid May

For now on the 2nd Thursday of each month I will have our Slack General channel open and be there from 6:30 to 8:00 PM hope folks will join me there
Ronald Headley - Central Kentucky WorpPress Meetup group

It is time to start a extension of the Central KY WordPress meetup been wanting to get this going for a long time

We will be meeting on the Second Thursday of each month at Third Street Stuff which is a coffee house that has some food and sandwiches and deserts and very good open WiFi. There are areas where tables can be brought together in different configurations. It is sort of a strange funky place - the people hanging out there could very easily fit in with a WordPress WordCamp

A WordPress Happiness Bar is casual, people can arrive and leave when they want. The object is to share WordPress experiences, and frustrations and show works in progress and work through frustrations and problems. It is an open time to bring your laptop - have some coffee and "play around" with WordPress. First ones arriving will attempt to grab a table or two in an area where the tables can be brought together. It will of course vary depending on how many other people are at the venue when we get there.

While these monthly events are primarily for WordPress.org users this is where the WordPress.com users are certainly welcome and have the opportunity to get help or give help to others. The normal monthly meetups are primarily focused on self hosted WordPress sites and the people using the free WordPress.com site for their blogging site will be pretty lost - the two are very different even though both are called WordPress

At the happiness bar people can help each other with websites and with blogging or developing eCommerce or online marketing sites or anything concerned with WordPress and web sites.

Hope you will drop by the Second Thursday of each month. We will give Third Street Stuff a try for several months and see how it works out. Sixth St Brewery is close by for those that want to so hang out after showing up at the coffee shop