Support » Plugin: WooCommerce » delete data in “customers”

  • Resolved wpgsander


    I created a checkout test account on woocommerce, and I want to delete it.
    I follow this way “wordpress> users> delete users” delete accounts ,and go “woocommerce>orders” delete test orders, but there is still retained data in “woocommerce> customers”, how do I delete it ?
    I don’t know how to use php and MySQL

    My English isn’t very good, please don’t mind. 🙁

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by wpgsander.
Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 34 total)
  • Hi everyone! Thx to your help I

    • deleted the wp new created users
    • deleted wp_wc_customer_lookup in PHPMyAdmin
    • cleared the transient in woocommerce>status>tools
    • flushed my cache

    and it worked. thx!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by danielgc.

    Problem guys, I have the exact same issue BUT I am still unable to remove the data in the “Customers” section of the WooCommerce Plugin.

    1. Deleted them as users (in WP)

    2. Removed them in wp_wc_customer_lookup (in php_myadmin)

    3. Cleared all Expired transients (WooCommerce Admin plugin)

    Any suggestions what is keeping them there?

    when I export the data to a spreadsheet, it has them listed and calls it: customers_2020-05-20_orderby-date-last-active_order-desc_page-wc-admin_path–customers

    Thx for sharing Kristian



    …catching up with a problem. I had cleared from database and removed all transients from WordPress: customers were gone but site broke seriously. Now I deleted from database and removed transients from Woocommerce>status>tools and the customers are still showing up in the backend. Is there a really safe procedure for this? (unbelievable that Woo doesn’t offer a bulk delete option in backend)



    Customer is still visible, can’t find a way to delete his data.



    Which transients are affecting this? I have done all of Kristians steps, including deleting expired transients, but no luck.

    1. Deleted them as users (in WP)

    2. Removed them in wp_wc_customer_lookup (in php_myadmin)

    3. Cleared all Expired transients (Transients Manager plugin)

    Any suggestions what is keeping them there?


    I found by “deleting all transients” it worked for me, as to which specific ones i still would like to know for the future.


    Everaldo Matias


    There is an issue to fix the bug (01/04/2020) and (02/03/2020)

    Hi everyone, I am facing the same challenge here of deleting the Woocommerce > customers, may I know what plugin or solution you guys have, & hope you share with me. As my site is yet to be launch, & i have alot of testing dummy customers in there. THank you in advance.

    Hi All, Thank ezybusy

    I managed to remove the customer in Woocommerce > Customers list according to step by step instruction given.

    deleted the wp new created users
    deleted wp_wc_customer_lookup in PHPMyAdmin
    cleared the transient in woocommerce>status>tools
    flushed my cache

    Hi all, Good Day & Stay safe.

    I have just updated my Woocommerce to version 4.6.0 yesterday. With the regard to delete Customer in Woocommerce, it work well before the update via the following steps given without plugin;

    1. deleted the wp new created users
    2. deleted wp_wc_customer_lookup in PHPMyAdmin
    3. cleared the transient in woocommerce>status>tools
    flushed my cache
    4. source (

    But after the updated, it seem it doesn’t work anymore although i deleted wp_wc_customer_lookup in PHPMyadmin. The customers still show in the Woocommerce customer list. Not sure, where went wrong?

    Appreciated your kind advice on this matter.

    Thanks in advance.


    About “deleted wp_wc_customer_lookup in PHPMyAdmin”

    Is that done by a TRUNCATE of the table? If not what is a safe way?

    Thanks in advance

    This worked for me: flushing the cache seems like an important step.

    deleted the wp new created users
    deleted wp_wc_customer_lookup in PHPMyAdmin
    cleared the transient in woocommerce>status>tools
    flushed my cache

    This really needs to be made easier…

    did all the steps above and still doens’t get rid of the customers

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by .

    I agree. This needs to be made much easier. I’ve used programs like Amember, and it’s not that hard to delete customers.

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