
At BoostWP, we don’t believe in complicated plans or complex pricing. What you see is what you get. We’re proud to offer our entire existing and forthcoming catalog of quality WordPress products for a low monthly fee.

Sign up today and take advantage of BoostWP’s powerful marketing and monetization tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do I get with my BoostWP membership?

With a BoostWP membership you get immediate access to every BoostWP plugin available (see full list here) as well as every new plugin we release to the membership. We will release at least one new plugin per month or significant upgrade over a previous plugin already available within the membership. We listen to our members to help guide what we build next and most importantly we’re here to stay. Our membership will only get more valuable over time but you will always be locked into the same price (even when our prices go up in the future).

2. How do I benefit most from a membership with BoostWP?

Quite simply, our plugins literally pay for themselves in the form of time saved and increased earnings for your website(s). We are focused on creating plugins that help with traffic generation, lead generation and website monetization. By catering to this triple threat we can easily deliver more value than what it costs to be a BoostWP member.

3. How many websites can I install the BoostWP plugins on?

The BoostWP membership offers unlimited personal use rights. You can install our plugins on as many websites as you own, but you must be the owner of the website.

4. What happens if I cancel my membership – can I keep using the software?

As long as you’ve paid for at least one full price month (so that would mean one $27 payment, and not just your $1 trial) then you can keep access to your software; however, you will not be able to access updates, upgrades or utilize customer support. Because we do something new every single month and are constantly improving we of course recommend against cancelling your membership.

5. If I sell a website can I transfer ownership of installed BoostWP plugins to the buyer?

Sorry no. Your membership with BoostWP is for personal use only and the plugin rights are non transferable. If you sell your website the buyer will need to purchase a BoostWP membership or you will need to remove our plugins before transferring ownership.

6. I’m a WordPress consultant, can I use your plugins on my client websites?

You can use our software on your client websites, but each client you install our plugins on would need a BoostWP membership. The reason for this is because our price point is so low it would be cost us money to provide product support to a consultant or developer that installs our plugins on hundreds of websites. For now we don’t have bulk pricing so each client you work with would need a BoostWP membership to use our plugins.