Hari Shanker, Hauwa Abashiya, Courtney Robertson: Help shape content on Learn WordPress

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July 22, 2021

Through contributing to Learn WordPress, you can help give those new or already using WordPress a roadmap for their learning journey.

Learn WordPress connects multiple WordPress Make teams, business owners, professionals, and individual users with ways to navigate their journey through WordPress the software and WordPress, the open-source project.

Join us if you would like to take part in planning the content that will helps others take the next step in learning about the WordPress platform and its community. Learn WordPress contributors come from a variety of backgrounds. We are content creators, project managers, technical writers, designers, developers, trainers, and teachers.

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Courtney Robertson 1
Hari Shanker 15
Hauwa Abashiya 2


Contribute to WordPress 18
Learn WordPress 2
Volunteering 5


English 9254

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