

  • Member Since: August 13th, 2019
  • Location: Brazil
  • Website: texcommerce.com.br
  • Job Title: CTO
  • Employer: TexCommerce
  • Find me on:


Brazilian Dev, Node.js, PHP and Python. Project Manager and Product Designer.


WordPress Plugin Development

Contributions Sponsored

Romeu Mello contributes 10 hours per week to the following teams: Marketing, Themes.

  • Posted a reply to Social Icons Missing, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    The internal product page shows icons normally so, it's no about font awesome.

    2 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Social Icons in home page, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    The same with me, I'll looking forward to fix this, and maybe I can share…

    2 years ago