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On This Day in History, November 13

What Happened On This Day – November 13

  • 2015 Terrorist attacks in Paris

    A series of coordinated terrorist attacks that included suicide bombs and mass shootings took place in France's capital city. Venues attacked included the Stade de France and the Bataclan theater during a concert. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or Daesh (ISIL) took responsibility for the attacks that killed about 130 people.

  • 1994 Sweden votes to join EU

    The referendum passed with over 50% of Swedish citizens voting to join the European Union. The Nordic country officially joined the EU on January 1, 1995.

  • 1985 Armero tragedy

    The late evening eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Colombia caused volcanic mudflows, called lahars, and flooded the city of Armero, killing 25,000 of its residents. The Armero tragedy is considered to be one of the deadliest volcano related disasters in the 20th century.

  • 1950 Assassination of Carlos Delgado Chalbaud

    The Venezuelan president and head of the military Junta was kidnapped and killed by rebels headed by Rafael Simón Urbina. Chalbaud came to power after a coup against Rómulo Gallegos in 1948.

  • 1887 Bloody Sunday in London

    Protests by poor and unemployed Londoners over their hardships in Trafalgar Square took a violent turn when the police charged on those protesting with batons. By the end of the day, 2 or 3 people were killed and several hundred protestors were injured.

Births On This Day – November 13

  • 1969 Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Dutch politician, author

  • 1955 Whoopi Goldberg

    American actress, singer, talk show host

  • 1856 Louis Brandeis

    American jurist

  • 1850 Robert Louis Stevenson

    Scottish author, poet

  • 354 Augustine of Hippo

    Algerian bishop, theologian

Deaths On This Day – November 13

  • 2005 Eddie Guerrero

    American wrestler

  • 1963 Margaret Murray

    English anthropologist

  • 1903 Camille Pissarro

    French painter

  • 1868 Gioachino Rossini

    Italian composer

  • 1093 Malcolm III of Scotland