Computers and Society is an online edited magazine accessible via the ACM Digital Library (please note that it is NOT a peer-reviewed publication – submissions are checked for relevance, accessibility and basic suitability by the editors but not fully peer reviewed). The editors invite contributions of all types of written material (such as opinion articles, research challenge descriptions, work-in-progress articles, news reports, book reviews, bibliographies of relevant literature, and letters, fiction, poetry) on all aspects of the social, ethical and cultural impact of computing. For the latest Call(s) for Papers, check the Editorial Calendar. Instructions regarding formatting guidelines and copyright policy can be accessed from Author Information. Submissions should be sent to the editors.
The current issue of Computers and Society is always freely available through the ACM Digital Library. Previous issues are archived and are available to ACM SIGCAS Members and ACM Members who have purchased full access to the ACM Digital Library. From the Current Issue link above, you can read individual article abstracts and about each article, access the entire issue, or you can browse the archives.