Welcome to Gandi

Thank you for choosing Gandi as your domain registrar. The following page gives you some links to help you get started. For a complete list of articles found in our documentation, see the Site Map.

Cliquer ici pour voir notre documentation en français.

How to Manage Your Account

At Gandi each individual has their own account. Here are some things you can do to manage your account:

How to Manage an Organization

Individuals can create and manage organizations, then invite others to join. Organization owners can manage what each individual member of the organization has permission to do for that organization. A domain can be owned by an organization or by an individual. Here are some pages to help you get started:

How to Transfer In Domain Names

If you are bringing in new domains from a different registrar, these links should help you get started.

Where to Find Your Domains

All the domains you have access to can be found in the “Domain” section of your account. Here’s some more information on what you can do with your domains at Gandi.

How to Use Email

With every domain name Gandi provides two free email mailboxes. The following links will help you get started.

Other Topics

If you’re looking for some information that isn’t covered in any of these links, try browsing our documentation using the left menu.

You can also see a full list of our articles in our site map.

If you’re having trouble finding what you need you are also always welcome to contact our support team.