15 Security Apps for Android in an Endurance Test

15 Security Apps for Android in an Endurance Test › ...


July 28, 2021 | Antivirus for Android

Worldwide, there are over 3 billion Android devices in operation, and over 300 million new ones are added each quarter – and all are potential targets for attackers. Those who don't want to fall...

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Stopped in its Tracks: Stalkerware for Spying Under Android

Stopped in its Tracks: Stalkerware for Spying Under Android › ...


July 20, 2021 | More tests

More and more dubious apps offer their services for spying and stalking, in order to secretly surveil unwitting persons, acquaintances or (ex-)partners. With a good security app for Android, it's also...

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Secure Gateways for Corporate Users

Secure Gateways for Corporate Users ›


June 29, 2021 | More tests

Every data stream in or out of a company always flows through a gateway. The AV-TEST lab tests the security of gateways in the form of cloud solutions, VMs or even as hardware appliances, awarding...

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AV-ATLAS: The Research Platform for Spam, Malware, and Threat Trends

AV-ATLAS: The Research Platform for Spam, Malware, and Threat Trends ›...


May 19, 2021 | Research

On the Internet, you may find many statistical surveys, but rarely open sources for the research. AV-ATLAS is different in that respect: there you can call up live data, free of charge, on the latest...

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New Lines of Defense: EPPs and EDRs Put to the Test Against APT and Ransomware Attacks

New Lines of Defense: EPPs and EDRs Put to the Test Against APT and...


May 12, 2021 | More tests

Security leaks, like the recently discovered Microsoft Exchange vulnerability, underscore the dangers facing companies, government agencies and critical infrastructure worldwide. It took only a few...

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