
  • Member Since: August 22nd, 2018
  • Location: Opole
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  • Job Title: CEO
  • Employer: Webo
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Contributions Sponsored

Patryk contributes 2 hours per week to the following teams: Community, Documentation, Polyglots, Themes.

  • Created a topic, Cloudflare Access instruction, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Is this module compatible with standard Cloudfl…

  • Created a topic, Translation – WP 5.6, on the site Forums:
    Hello, this plugin need update. Now it won't show lang…

  • Posted a reply to Critical error in legacy engine, on the site Forums:
    Thanks! That was really great. Yes, it work now. Pleas add note to changelog about…

  • Created a topic, Critical error in legacy engine, on the site Forums:
    Debug from our website. We disabled it right now. If y…

  • Posted a reply to PREMIUM: Errors, on the site Forums:
    One more error: Certificate verification disabled (sslverify=false) EnjoyInstagram_Api_Connection->_get_remote_data() wp-content/plugins/enjoy_intagram_premium/includes/class.enjoyinstagram-api-connection.php:196 EnjoyInstagram_Api_Connection->get_user_profile() wp-content/plugins/enjoy_intagram_premium/includes/class.enjoyinstagram-api-connection.php:55 EnjoyInstagram_Admin->output_options_page() wp-content/plugins/enjoy_intagram_premium/includes/class.enjoyinstagram-admin.php:297 do_action('settings_page_enjoyinstagram_plugin_options')…

  • Created a topic, PREMIUM: Notices, on the site Forums:
    This need to be repair ASAP. We bought it to support t…

  • Created a topic, Home URL incorect in yoast meta, on the site Forums:
    You can check in url. Link in data is correct (…

  • Posted a reply to Frontend libraries – turn off to merge in theme, on the site Forums:
    Oh thank you! That post was gone wild. Sorry taking time. :) I will close…

  • Created a topic, Frontend libraries – turn off to merge in theme, on the site Forums:
    Is there site with all libraries that are needed? Why …

  • Posted a reply to Not working, on the site Forums:
    Ok, this is on github. Need to be linked from there to the proper place:…

  • Created a topic, Not working, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Plugin work at all. Settings are correct. If th…

  • Created a topic, Working great, on the site Forums:
    It's need more clarification what "REST API Cache" is …

  • Created a topic, Disable re-promt when permission is granted, on the site Forums:
    One more hard coded variable than need UI. I edited li…

  • Posted a reply to Add domain limit by expose “hd” field, on the site Forums:
    Edit line 82 in file "okv-oauth/App/Libraries/MyOauth/Google.php": '&grant_type=authorization_code' . '&'; Add just some admin filed to…

  • Created a topic, Add domain limit by expose “hd” field, on the site Forums:
    Hello, First: thanks for plugin! :) Second: Some opt…