

  • Member Since: March 21st, 2019
  • Location: Hampshire, United Kingdom
  • Website: redit.co.uk
  • Job Title: Owner
  • Employer: redIT
  • Find me on:


I’m a network guy at heart but love seeing what we can do with Open Source technologies.

WordPress Origin Story

I first started working with WordPress around 2006 but drifted away to other technologies coming back to WordPress around 2011

Contributions Sponsored

Scott McKeown contributes 3 hours per week to the following teams: Community, Hosting.

  • Wrote a comment on the post What should the next PHP version recommendation be?, on the site Make WordPress Hosting:
    Sorry that should be including 7.0 as this is also EOL

    2 years ago

  • Wrote a comment on the post What should the next PHP version recommendation be?, on the site Make WordPress Hosting:
    4> I would target anything below PHP 7.0 as these are the ones that really…

    2 years ago

  • Wrote a comment on the post What should the next PHP version recommendation be?, on the site Make WordPress Hosting:
    1> As we were already trying to remove all PHP 5.x versions were were already…

    2 years ago

  • Wrote a comment on the post Hosting Meeting Notes: March 27, 2019, on the site Make WordPress Hosting:
    I think alternating them too would be worth a try 1800hrs and 1400hrs UTC could…

    2 years ago