Matías Ventura


Creator from Montevideo. Engineer of . Lead architect of the Gutenberg project in WordPress.

Montevideo & Firenze
Participa desde dezembro de 2009


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  1. Tweet Fixado
    1 de jun.

    Extremely proud of my two younger brothers who completed and released "Grey Eyes", an original feature film they've been working on for the past few years: 📽 It's available for watching on Prime Video in the Americas and selectively in Europe.

  2. retweetou
    27 de jul.

    Why did none of my friends tell me programming a text editor was one of the hardest things in the world?

  3. retweetou
    21 de jul.

    WordPress themes have been able to provide templates for a while, but Gutenberg Block Templates are very different, powerful and empowering. Learn more about block templates —

  4. retweetou
    3 de jul.
  5. 1 de jul.

    This was a fun collaboration project with and , exploring what could be possible with creative block tools.

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  6. 1 de jul.

    Releasing Sketch, a new block for drawing directly in the editor. It's an early release but it's fun to play with. Grab it from

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  7. 1 de jul.

    And drop-zones for dragging media files...

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  8. 1 de jul.

    Looking at how to improve some basic editor interactions using motion effects.

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  9. 25 de jun.

    This video showcases a lot of work coming to fruition. Themes can offer different patterns for a header, all built using default blocks. The UI will handle the display so users can pick a different header without having to choose a different theme. Props to for the 🎬

  10. retweetou
    11 de jun.

    Had a lot of fun today playing with patterns in Gutenberg. You can too and don’t forget to send them to the pattern directory: so everyone can share. ✨- props to Anne for suggesting I join the fun.

  11. 11 de jun.

    If you missed the short Gutenberg video we shared with during WCEU, it's now available here:

  12. retweetou
    9 de jun.

    "The sun never sets on people working on WordPress. People are working on it all over the world." - at

    A drawing of Matt Mullenweg and Matias Ventura doing their chat at WordCamp Europe 2021. Beneath the drawing is a quote from Matt that says "People look at websites as magic, but when you understand Gutenberg you can look at sites like something you can build yourself".
  13. 9 de jun.

    Had a little coordination hiccup and couldn't introduce on the way back from the little break. Sorry Brian! Looking forward to the conversation.

  14. retweetou
    9 de jun.

    It's true! In about 20 minutes I'll be on with to introduce the latest and greatest about full-site editing and Gutenberg, and then Q&A with . Please tune in! online has been fantastic this year.

  15. retweetou
    28 de mai.

    We are hiring to design a better web. Come join us if you are in product design, creative, mobile, or recruitment.

  16. retweetou
    5 de mai.

    🎨Global Styles and Global Settings APIs are coming to WordPress soon in 5.8. If you are a theme developer or a block author, it's time to start getting familiar with these. I wrote an introduction post about it here

  17. retweetou
    27 de abr.

    Creative Commons search will be re-launching on WordPress .org, the first step of several cool things we have coming around media

  18. retweetou
    22 de abr.

    I've worked in the WordPress space for 10 years now, and I've never been more excited about the innovation we are going to see in 2021/22 🚀 I can see opportunities everywhere I look 🤩

  19. retweetou
    22 de abr.
  20. 22 de abr.

    It leverages excellent freehand library. The cool thing is it can be combined with other blocks to produce cool effects, like drawing on top of an image canvas.

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