
Over 700 projects listed

Prices lower than official

Excellent service since 2017


Stable partnership with 100+ crypto exchanges

Personal contact with top management of exchanges

Listing from 2 days

Prices lower than official


Over 700 coins successfully listed already

All additional crypto pairs for free

Free listing anouncement on the website of exchange with big banner

Free media promotion

Zero commission accounts


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IEO on 30+ exchanges

+ 30 more

More marketing from exchange

Price is 30-50% lower than official one

The payment directly to exchange


Our Clients


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days


was listed in 3 days

+ 700 MORE clients


Excellent service since 2017

Our team

Sergei Khitrov

Founder & CEO Listing.Help

Artem Afatnitskiy

Chief Operating Officer

Kirill Zamkovoy

Executive Director

Andrew Kulishov

Business Development Manager

Viktor Mikhailov

Business Development Manager
& Main Analyst

Alexandra Bychkova

Business Development Manager

Vitaliy Pestov

Business Development Manager

Vlad Vaskin

Сhief Сommunications Officer

Valeria Epishkova

Business Development Manager

Arseniy Markov

Event director

Do you want
to become part
of our team?

Listing.Help is the organizer of


One of the biggest events on blockchain, cryptocurrencies and mining in the world.

Moscow, 20-21 Apr. 2021

over 4000 attendees

Moscow, 21-22 Oct. 2020

over 3000 attendees

Moscow, 16-17 Oct. 2019

over 4000 attendees

Singapore, 23-24 Apr. 2019

over 4000 attendees

Saint Petersburg, 2018

over 5000 attendees

Saint Petersburg, 2017

over 2000 attendees


We are a public company and regularly attend many major events around the world. Speeches of our representatives at conferences, information about past and upcoming events, the achievements of our company - all this you can find on the pages of our blog.


Listing.Help in Media

What Is Bitcoin Halving and Why Does It Matter?
Feb 26, 2021
How to protect yourself from cryptocurrency theft. Five tips
Mar 30, 2021
Russia's digital future - what it is. Expert thoughts
Jun 2, 2021
What altcoins to invest in June: expert opinion
May 31, 2021
Can Ethereum Beat Bitcoin. Review and analytics
Jan 28, 2021
"The industry will not burst." Why the NFT market started to decline
Apr 5, 2021
What altcoins to invest in in April: expert opinion
Mar 31, 2021
Which NFT tokens to choose for investment?
Apr 1, 2021
"It's not going to be easy and simple." How the new head of SEC will affect the crypto market
Apr 15, 2021
Sergey Khitrov, Blockchain Life: "Bitcoin at $400k is quite realistic".
Apr 16, 2021
Experts' Take: What Altcoins to Invest in April
Apr 2, 2021
"Don't be seduced." How the burning of Ethereum will affect its rates
Mar 9, 2021
Evolution without demand. Digital money will replace traditional money in a few years
Mar 2, 2021
Is it too late to invest in bitcoin today - expert opinions
Mar 3, 2021
What NFT-tokens are worth investing in - 4 tips from the experts
Mar 30, 2021
Legislative innovations of January: benefits for IT and "Smart Meters
Feb 15, 2021
ETH to rise to $2,600 by summer and $4,000 by the end of the year - expert opinions
Feb 11, 2021
What altcoins to invest in February: Opinion of experts
Feb 1, 2021
How cryptocurrency regulation in Russia will change in 2021 - 5 opinions
Jan 1, 2021
Why XRP won't repeat TON's fate - expert opinions
Jan 22, 2021

Frequently asked Questions


Why should projects work with us instead of contacting the exchange directly?

The exchange will respond for a long time, and even if the listing is approved, it will be very long.
We list our clients without a queue and for the lower price than the official.


What are the guarantees of listing?

In most cases we can guarantee the successful listing because we have a direct partnership with the head management of exchanges.
With all of our clients we sign agreements and connect them with the head management of exchanges for signing of a direct contract.


What additional benefits does the project get while works with us?

Projects get all additional trading pairs for free on exchanges, free fee trading accounts, the free listing announcement on the main page of an exchange and banner, direct connection with the head management of exchanges.

Upcoming Events

Blockchain Life 2021

VI International forum about blockchain,
cryptocurrencies and mining

Location: Moscow

Date: 21-22 April 2021

Blockchain Africa Conference 2021

Africa’s leading blockchain and cryptocurrency event. Over the two days there will be multiple networking events, panel and keynote discussions and a wide variety of exhibitors.

Location: Online

Date: 18-19 March 2021

The Conference.NFT

Smart speakers will explain what this all NFT buzz is all about.

Location: Online

Date: 17 June 2021

Blockchain Fest 2021

Blockchain Fest will take place in December 2021 in Limassol and has chosen Cyprus, European financial and IT center as its hub to bring experts from all over the world to open new horizons for the industry.

Location: Cyprus

Date: 2-3 December 2021


BII SUMMIT, the largest Blockchain investment event in the Middle East, will be running its 6th edition.

Location: Dubai

Date: 29 September 2021

TOKEN2049 London

The events bring together over 2,000+ attendees from over 70+ countries with a unique speaker lineup and broad international media coverage.

Location: London

Date: 7-8 October 2021

TOKEN2049 Hong Kong

The whole crypto ecosystem will be in town. Meet the industry's most influential figures and projects, and attend dozens of meetups, workshops, hackathons, dinners, and parties around the two main event days.

Location: Hong Kong

Date: 23-24 November 2021

Asia Crypto Week

A week of various independently organised educational and developer-focused events that aim to nurture mass adoption by providing first-hand information about the industry

Location: Hong Kong

Date: 22-28 November 2021

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