

IKP Knowledge Park is a LEAP Fund Partner of the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC). Under the LEAP Fund program, funding assistance of INR 30 Lakh to INR 1 Crore is offered per startup.
We are seeking applications till July 31, 2021: CLICK HERE TO APPLY


IKP Knowledge Park and IKP EDEN are SEED Fund Partners of the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC). Under the SEED Fund program, funding assistance of INR 15 Lakh to INR 30 Lakh is offered per startup.
We are seeking applications till July 31, 2021: CLICK HERE TO APPLY

For clarifications: Please email accel [at]

FAQs on LEAP Fund and SEED Fund
a) The funds are not a grant. These are funds for investment.
b) We work with Equity / Convertible Notes / CCPS / CCD / Safe Notes.
c) Your company valuation will be analyzed on a case to case basis.
d) You do NOT have to be incubated physically at IKP / IKP EDEN.
e) If you are working in the space of healthcare / agri / nutrition / food processing / biotech / medtech / digital health, you may apply.

IKP COVID Fund (I-CO Fund) – Call III, May 2021

IKP Knowledge Park, along with the Biotechnology Research Assistance Council, IKP Trust, has launched Call III of the ICO-Fund, to nurture innovations that are ready for production to fight the COVID-19 situation. Through this endeavor, IKP and IKP Trust will be working with entrepreneurs, corporate(s) and government agencies to contribute in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We will enable the selected entrepreneurs to fine-tune their solutions for manufacturing, and connect with manufacturing facilities and supply-chain networks to help in the production, deployment and distribution of their innovations. Call III candidates will also receive support from our program partner, Amazon Web Services.

CALL 3 of the I-CO Fund has added problem statements from our earlier call, to include the scope of new issues that have arisen in the second wave of the pandemic, and newer challenges in the post-COVID era. We need your help to address these unprecedented issues.


Quick FAQs
1. The financial assistance will be a combination of grants and / or a soft loan.
2. The fund is open to Indian Companies / Companies registered in India, with production ready solutions.
3. IKP will help connect with large manufacturing companies that will help the innovations be produced at deployed at scale.
4. Application deadline: May 25, 2021, 11:59 PM (IST)

Read about the rules / selection criteria here: PROGRAM OVERVIEW

Click here to Apply:
(needs a Google/Gmail Account to apply, Apply before May 25, 2021)

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IKP EDEN is a PRAYAS Center, and we offer funding support via the NIDHI-PRAYAS Center program. To apply for the Prayas Progam (up to INR 10 Lakh per idea), please click here. Please subscribe to to get updates. 

Note: Applications for the Round 6 of NIDHI PRAYAS are being accepted till August 10, 2021.

Program URL:

IKP Knowledge Park offers funding support through different programs. Please visit