Home Health Hazards


Mold Removal and Remediation

Indoor Air Quality

Hurricane damage
Storm Preparedness
Consider this hard-earned wisdom from homeowners who have endured major disaster recovery.
Window film
Window Repair and RestorationWindowStorm Preparedness
Film offers low cost compared with shutters, but has not passed the Florida test for hurricane resistance.
Before you sign a short-term lease, make sure you know whether it fits in with your plans. (Image courtesy of iStockphoto)
Apartment Living
We are all familiar with the traditional apartment lease, but what might come as a surprise is that many apartment communities offer shorter leases than the standard 12-month lease.
Storm damage
Storm Preparedness
Wind damage can be one of the most devastating consequences of severe storms. Wind mitigation helps offset the damage.
tree fallen on Indianapolis home
Roofing RepairsRoofStorm Preparedness
Before bad weather strikes, get to know your homeowner's insurance policy and how it applies to roofing repairs.