Built on Google Workspace

The Google Workspace Solutions Gallery is a collection of sample solutions that demonstrates how you can solve common business challenges with Google Workspace Developer technologies. These samples showcase different ways to integrate and customize the productivity tools you're already using.

Browse the solutions below for inspiration on what to create to help your team collaborate and work faster together.

Apps Script Sheets Cloud Natural Language
Analyze the sentiment of news headlines retrieved for a user-specified topic from a free news API.
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
  • Cloud Natural Language
Slides Sheets Apps Script Gmail Drive
Automatically customize an existing Google Slide certificate template with employee data in Google Sheets and share them using Gmail.
  • Sheets
  • Apps Script
  • Gmail
Apps Script Calendar
Creates an agenda for a calendar event you create automatically.
  • Apps Script
  • Calendar
Apps Script Sheets Google Finance
List your stocks and purchase prices in a Google Sheet, and this script will alert you if you can sell the stock for a "tax loss harvest."
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
Apps Script Sheets Slides BigQuery
Connect to your sales data warehouse and automatically generate presentations for particular customers.
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
Apps Script Sheets Forms Gmail
Use Apps Script to quickly create draft email replies to course feedback via Google Forms.
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
  • Forms
  • Gmail
Sheets Gmail
Create and distribute visually rich mail merges with Gmail and Google Sheets.
  • Sheets
  • Gmail
Apps Script Sheets Calendar
Create calendar events for your activities, and synchronize to your timesheet in sheets for reporting.
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
  • Calendar
Sheets Forms Groups for Business Apps Script
Set new hires up for success with the resources they need.
  • Sheets
  • Forms
  • Apps Script
Apps Script Sheets Cloud Natural Language
Analyze text data, such as open-ended feedback, at scale by performing entity and sentiment analysis directly in Google Sheets.
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
  • Cloud Natural Language
Apps Script Sheets Gmail YouTube
Tracks views, likes, and comments for provided YouTube URLs in a Google Sheet with optional email notifications.
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
  • Gmail
Apps Script Hangouts Chat Gmail Calendar
Update your calendar and auto-responder with a single message to your custom bot.
  • Apps Script
  • Hangouts Chat
  • Gmail
  • Calendar
Apps Script Sheets Gmail
Allows employees to move information from email receipts into their spreadsheet expense reports without copying and pasting.
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
  • Gmail
Apps Script Gmail Forms Docs
Send users in an online community follow up content based on their interests.
  • Apps Script
  • Gmail
  • Forms
  • Docs
Apps Script Sheets Forms
Create a form-based workflow to request equipment from IT for new employees.
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
  • Forms
Apps Script Calendar
Quickly see when your colleagues are out of the office, with no manual entry required.
  • Apps Script
  • Calendar
Apps Script Sheets Forms
Create a hands-free employee pay management system. Lets managers approve/disapprove employees' weekly timesheets & automatically notify them of this status.
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
  • Forms
Apps Script Sheets Forms Docs Gmail
Allows event attendees to sign up for sessions at an event then creates and emails a personalized itinerary.
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
  • Forms
  • Docs
  • Gmail
Apps Script Sheets Forms
Create an offsite activity signup system. Lets attendees pick their preferred activities via a form and fairly assigns them based on availability.
  • Apps Script
  • Sheets
  • Forms

We are growing the gallery! If you have ideas or suggestions, please submit feedback .