Support » Plugin: Embed Privacy » Enhancement: cite in blockquote instead of div for meta

  • xwolf


    For embedding twitter feeds the citating mark (meta info for author) is sett into a div.

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-width="550" data-dnt="true">
    <p dir="ltr" lang="de">In der Krise sollte man nicht nach den Schuldigen suchen.<br>Sondern nach diejenigen, die den Karren aus dem Dreck ziehen.</p>
    <div class="embed-privacy-tweet-meta"><span class="embed-privacy-author-meta">— Wolfgang Wiese (@xwolf) </span><a href="">4. Januar 2021</a></div>

    I would suggest do chance the <div class="embed-privacy-tweet-meta">.. <div>
    into <cite class=”embed-privacy-tweet-meta”>…</cite> cause this is better for semantic.

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  • Plugin Contributor Simon Kraft


    Hi Wolfgang,
    Good catch! I’ve added this as a GitHub issue to address it in the next update.
    Thank you,

    • This reply was modified 12 months ago by Simon Kraft.
    Thread Starter xwolf


    Thxs, already got the notice 🙂

    By the way: If I have another feature requests, would it be better to post it here or as issue in github?

    (Githubs Isse Editor is somewhat better as this simple form)

    Plugin Contributor Simon Kraft


    GitHub is the perfect place for feature requests. 🙃

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