Office Ladies with Angela Kinsey & Jenna Fischer
WTF with Marc Maron
Comedy Bang! Bang! with Scott Aukerman
The Read with Kid Fury and Crissle
My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark
Levar Burton Reads
1 2 3 4 5 6

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61% of Midroll podcast listeners say that they bought something after hearing an ad on our shows.

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In a three month head-to-head test against radio, Sling Media found 2 - 3 times more engagement from their podcast ads.

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Why Choose Midroll?

Podcast advertising is a digital audio platform reaching 104 million educated, affluent and mobile listeners every month, who are open to hearing your brand’s message. Midroll connects you to the largest share of the U.S. podcast audience, according to Edison Research, listening to our 250+ shows, downloaded more than 150 million times a month. Because we specialize in host-read ads, listeners pay attention and remember what they hear.

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