
Make WordPress Core

Custom Query


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Results (9)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3988 Sanitize pagenow in admin-header.php defect (bug) highest omg bbq Security 2.1.2
#3959 PHP 5 only syntax in general-template.php (changeset 5009) defect (bug) high General
#3981 Patch: Improve error propagation from newMediaObject failure in xmlrpc.php enhancement high XML-RPC 2.1.2
#3827 private posts are not appearing on main page for users with read_private_posts defect (bug) normal General 2.1.2
#3873 wp_import_upload_form() needs to escape ampersands defect (bug) normal Administration 2.1.1
#3891 Multiple errors when passing some query variables as an a array(Only with Register Globals ON) markjaquith defect (bug) normal General 2.1
#3896 Wrong indices in match array in parse_w3cdtf defect (bug) normal General 2.1.1
#3706 Admin Menu Hooks confusing defect (bug) low Administration 2.1
#3979 Can't set a static page as the front page defect (bug) low Administration 2.1.2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.