Kaspersky Security Bulletin

Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2020. Statistics

All statistics in this report are from the global cloud service Kaspersky Security Network (KSN), which receives information from components in our security solutions. The data was obtained from users who have given their consent to it being sent to KSN. Millions of Kaspersky users around the globe assist us in this endeavor to collect information about malicious activity. The statistics in this report cover the period from November 2019 to October 2020, inclusive.

Figures of the year

  • During the year, 10.18% of Internet user computers worldwide experienced at least one Malware-class attack.
  • Kaspersky solutions blocked 666,809,967 attacks launched from online resources in various countries across the world.
  • 173,335,902 unique URLs were recognized as malicious by Web Anti-Virus.
  • Our Web Anti-Virus blocked 33,412,568 unique malicious objects.
  • Ransomware attacks were defeated on the computers of 549,301 unique users.
  • During the reporting period, miners attacked 1,523,148 unique users.
  • Attempted infections by malware designed to steal money via online access to bank accounts were logged on the devices of 668,619 users.

Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2020. Statistics

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  1. Claudia Laria

    Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2020. Statistics PDF report

  2. LKJ

    I’m interested on pc security mostly on linux OS

  3. Go Mandai

    could u send me Statistics full report (English, PDF).
    my concern is which county have been threaten by cyber risk in 2020.

    1. Yuliya

      To get the full report, please, fill in the form provided in this article.

  4. Rukshi

    Could I please get the full STAT report 2020

    1. Yuliya

      Hi, Rukshi!

      Please, fill in the form provided in this post to get the full report.

  5. Alfredo Sabelli

    Intersted in those stats. Thanks a lot.

  6. Djordje

    Best sec team in the world.

  7. li



APT trends report Q2 2021

This is our latest summary of advanced persistent threat (APT) activity, focusing on significant events that we observed during Q2 2021: attacks against Microsoft Exchange servers, APT29 and APT31 activities, targeting campaigns, etc.

LuminousMoth APT: Sweeping attacks for the chosen few

We recently came across unusual APT activity that was detected in high volumes, albeit most likely aimed at a few targets of interest. Further analysis revealed that the actor, which we dubbed LuminousMoth, shows an affinity to the HoneyMyte group, otherwise known as Mustang Panda.

WildPressure targets the macOS platform

We found new malware samples used in WildPressure campaigns: newer version of the C++ Milum Trojan, a corresponding VBScript variant with the same version number, and a Python script working on both Windows and macOS.

Ferocious Kitten: 6 years of covert surveillance in Iran

Ferocious Kitten is an APT group that has been targeting Persian-speaking individuals in Iran. Some of the TTPs used by this threat actor are reminiscent of other groups, such as Domestic Kitten and Rampant Kitten. In this report we aim to provide more details on these findings.

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