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On This Day in History, February 26

What Happened On This Day – February 26

  • 1993 A car bomb explodes below the World Trade Center in New York

    The attack was carried out by a group of Islamist militants. 6 people died in the blast.

  • 1991 The world's first web browser is presented to the public

    The browser “WorldWideWeb” (later renamed “Nexus”) was developed by Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist best known as the inventor of the internet.

  • 1920 The first German Expressionist film is premiered

    “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” by Robert Wiene is considered one of the best silent films of the horror genre.

  • 1917 The world's first jazz record is created

    The “Original Dixieland Jass Band” recorded “Livery Stable Blues” for the Victor Talking Machine Company in New York.

  • 1909 A color motion picture is shown to the general public for the first time

    A series of 21 short Kinemacolor films were presented at the Palace Theatre in London.

Births On This Day – February 26

  • 1954 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

    Turkish politician, 25th Prime Minister of Turkey

  • 1932 Johnny Cash

    American singer-songwriter, guitarist, actor

  • 1928 Ariel Sharon

    Israeli general, politician, 11th Prime Minister of Israel

  • 1852 John Harvey Kellogg

    American surgeon, co-created Corn flakes

  • 1802 Victor Hugo

    French author, poet, playwright

Deaths On This Day – February 26

  • 1994 Bill Hicks

    American comedian

  • 1989 Roy Eldridge

    American trumpet player

  • 1981 Robert Aickman

    English author

  • 1966 Vinayak Damodar Savarkar

    Indian politician

  • 1821 Joseph de Maistre

    French diplomat