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Daniel Hale sentenced to 45 months in prison

“I am here because I stole something that was never mine to take — precious human life. For that I was compensated and given a medal. I couldn’t keep living in a world in which people pretended that things weren’t happening that were. Please, your honor, forgive me for taking papers instead of taking human lives.”

Daniel Hale explains his motives ahead of sentencing

"My conscience, once held at bay, came roaring back to life....So I contacted an investigative reporter with whom I had had an established prior relationship and told him that I had something the American people needed to know."

Whistleblower Daniel Hale Sentencing Hearing: July 27th

Hale exposed the inner workings of the U.S. military’s secret drone assassination program. Attend his sentencing hearing on July 27th at 9am, in Alexandria, VA.

US government given limited permission to appeal January decision that Assange should not be extradited

Permission has been granted on a limited basis, allowing only narrow, technical grounds to form the basis of the appeal. Crucially, the High Court did not allow the United States to appeal any of the factual findings concerning Assange’s condition. No date has been set for the hearing.

Facing 50 Years in Prison, Whistleblower Daniel Hale Pleads Guilty

Hale disclosed documents shedding new light on the U.S.’s secret remote assassination program, including how the Obama administration decided who to place on its “kill lists,” internal criticisms of the program, and accounts of civilian casualties.

Additional Background Information Regarding the OPCW FFM Investigation of the Alleged Chemical Attack in Douma, April 7, 2018

The following points summarize key procedural and scientific flaws that have been identified and which are now in the public domain regarding the OPCW FFM Investigation of the Alleged Chemical Attack in Douma, April 7, 2018.  

Statement of Concern: The OPCW investigation of alleged chemical weapons use in Douma, Syria

The OPCW investigation of alleged chemical weapons use in Douma, Syria