Super Deputies

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, WordPress events are online. Please refer to our online events handbook.

For communities COVID-19 has been more effectively contained, returning to hosting an in-person meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. event is possible, with caution, using the resources provided. If you plan to move forward with an in-person meetup, you must use the provided checklist.

Super DeputiesSuper deputy Super Deputies are Deputies who can perform extra tasks on like creating new sites and publishing WordCamps to the schedule. are DeputiesDeputy Community Deputies are a team of people all over the world who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and generally keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about deputies in our Community Deputy Handbook. who can perform extra tasks on like creating new sites and publishing WordCamps to the schedule.

You will receive Super DeputySuper deputy Super Deputies are Deputies who can perform extra tasks on like creating new sites and publishing WordCamps to the schedule. rights via a special permissions set called a “super-deputyDeputy Community Deputies are a team of people all over the world who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and generally keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about deputies in our Community Deputy Handbook..” This will give them super admin powers for some portion of the network.

Currently, the following people have Super Deputy permissions: @andreamiddleton, @angelasjin, @camikaos, @courtneypk, @evarlese, @hlashbrooke, @harishanker, @chanthaboune, @nao, @kcristiano, @_dorsvenabili, and @sippis

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