The Tim Ferriss Show Transcripts: The 4-Hour Workweek Revisited (#295)

Please enjoy this transcript of an episode marking the tenth anniversary of The 4-Hour Workweek, in which I discuss common questions and misperceptions, as well as how I would adjust certain chapters and recommendations. Transcripts may contain a few typos—with some episodes lasting 2+ hours, it’s difficult to catch some minor errors. Enjoy! Listen to the episode here or …

How Authors Really Make Money: The Rebirth of Seth Godin and Death of Traditional Publishing

How Authors Really Make Money: The Rebirth of Seth Godin and Death of Traditional Publishing

What do the economics of publishing look like… really? (Photo: thinkpanama) (Special thanks to my agent, Steve Hanselman, and my anonymous sources within the world’s biggest publishing houses) Print is dead! This has become a popular headline, and a great way to get quoted, as Nicholas Negroponte has shown. Iconic author Seth Godin, after 12 …

How I Did It: From $7 an Hour to Coaching Major League Baseball MVPs

How I Did It: From $7 an Hour to Coaching Major League Baseball MVPs

Jaime Cevallos and the MP30 Training Bat (Source: Jaime Cevallos) “Cevallos told Zobrist [Tampa Bay Rays MVP] he could turn him into a power hitter…The results have been remarkable.” – ESPN The Magazine This article will tell the inspiring story of Jaime Cevallos, who went from $7 an hour to coaching MVPs in Major League …

No More Excuses – How to Make an Extra $100,000 in the Next 6 Months

No More Excuses – How to Make an Extra $100,000 in the Next 6 Months

The Wilburns have created a multinational from their home.(Photo: Dana Smith) “So, do you have any ideas?” “Well, if we’re going to do something, it should be big. It should make people sit up and say OMFG. Make people actually do something,” I responded. The conversation continued in front of the Thai restaurant, me pacing …

How Not to Use a Lawyer – A Personal Case Study (Plus: Protocol Marketing correction)

How Not to Use a Lawyer – A Personal Case Study (Plus: Protocol Marketing correction)

Ah, lawyers. It’s a love-hate relationship. Just this week alone, I’m working with a literary attorney (publishing), an entertainment attorney (TV), and a corporate financing attorney (angel investments).  All three are great. Yesterday, though, I received the threatening letter below from Protocol Integrated Direct Marketing, whose call centers I recommend in the 4HWW. WTF? Click …