Tag archive for "shell"

While interacting with gnupg on Debian/Ubuntu it is often necessary to input a passphrase. I found the most reliable way to do this from the command line is to use gpg-agent and configure the pinentry tool to be command line based. This may break GUI apps though that need a … more

Small changes to my arm salt install setup were needed on Debian Buster. more

Machine This bash completion script ensures that you always get the matching bash completions for the installed kubectl, minikube and helm. Simply source it and it will do the rest. more

VNC Using a VNC client over an SSH tunnel can be useful. I sometimes use that setup when I have a GUI application running remotely that I don't want to restart. Using VNC I can quickly take control of it. more

Salt This can be annoying when using SaltStack, you run saltutil.sync_grains, or a highstate, but your custom grain is never synced to the minion. This happened to me while using multiple environments and when the grain was not in the base environment. What worked for me to get a successful sync … more

I use a custom screen locking script together with xautolock for automatic locking and manual locking when needed. To prevent multiple i3lock instances from starting I use an atomically created mutex. The script has somewhat excessive logging that still remains from the time it was buggy. more

Dice I use the same script on multiple machines to pick a random desktop background and i3lock wallpaper. It performs a few sanity checks before running and selects an image from a directory based on the current screen size. more

Yes, I felt like I had to automate this after installing minikube on a few machines in a row. more

I have a custom sync script for Firefox because the built-in sync is simply not thorough enough. To make the sync more reliable I wanted to close Firefox when it is running. This was surprisingly hard to accomplish, but once I found wmctrl the problem was solved. Notice that this … more

Do you know the feeling? You have implemented a massive optimization, slashed a nasty bug or built a complex feature and made the commit. Then you check the time, and there's absolutely no way you could have finished this yet. Now you can either be a good worker bee and … more

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