Tag archive for "Python"

Django models are usually created with a get_absolute_url method, but Wagtail pages don't have one. On this site I mix Wagtail pages with other Django models and needed an url without a domain in some places, below is the solution I'm using right now. Most methods to get a page … more

Wagtail has the modeladmin module in contrib which allows you to edit any Django model through the Wagtail admin interface. Unfortunately it's not very flexible, the code calls the get_edit_handler method on the admin class and the panels property of the model can only be a list. In one project … more

Tux I run Debian unstable on a few machines and wanted to know if I was always running the latest kernel. I've added the script below to my shell startup. And then I went on and added it to some servers as well, after a few hundred days of uptime there … more

Emoji I recently played a bit with emojis, the result is this script which lets me search existing emojis and transform strings. It's a trivial Python script that leverages https://github.com/carpedm20/emoji more

Dinosaur While checking my logs for this site and seeing the usual malicious requests against every spammers favorite software WordPress I decided to make things a little harder for them with a tarpit. more

A while ago I published a snippet to generate an OTP auth token from the command line, but I recently got a new phone and had to re-add all my secret keys to a different authenticator app. As I keep all the secret keys backed up I made another script … more

Wagtail has "scheduled" pages that are not yet visible on the site. I think the interface is not ideal as you need to click the Publish button after setting a publication date on the Settings tab. I'm not sure how exactly the data models work, but the actual publication is … more

I recently added OTP authentication using pam_google_authenticator.so to most of my machines. It's non-trivial to set up, especially if you have system users with limited capabilities that need to be able to log in non-interactively, but all in all it feels good to have a little more security. When logging … more

Recently I started working on a Django project, loaded the prod database into it, and ran the tests. Then the data was gone. I know some people intentionally want to run tests on the "main database", and there is a very simple way to achieve this. Simply inherit from a … more

I love quodlibet and have a big collection of music in it. Some time ago I wanted to transcode some big lossless files into the more mobile-friendly ogg format and wanted to query quodlibet for the songs. This is an example of a script that can access the quodlibet database … more

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