Tag archive for "PHP"

Upset confused bug

I'm happy I moved on from PHP in 2010.

Dinosaur While checking my logs for this site and seeing the usual malicious requests against every spammers favorite software WordPress I decided to make things a little harder for them with a tarpit. more

I received an emergency call from a client, his WordPress site didn't work. None of the logins either. Well, here's another script to the rescue if all you have left is an ftp login or some other way to upload files. It will create a new admin user with the … more

What happened to bitcoin-24.com?


Bad: Licensing, Data leak, Password security, Accounting, DB integrity and Float arithmetic. Donations: [donatebitcoin] No BTC? 2020-04-16 Bitcoin24 and Corona Virus Who would have thought... seven years later and there are still things happening around Bitcoin24. The refund effort started by Jeff has made slow, steady progress over the years … more

Update: See also http://kuttler.eu/code/wordpress-emergency-admin/ which is a little easier to use. Recently I had to update a site but didn't have an admin account or access to the SQL database. So I wrote this short script to reset a forgotten password. To use it, edit it and fill in the … more

You want to make sure the About and Blog pages exist, so create them before if necessary, see http://codex.wordpress.org/FunctionReference/wpinsertpost : wpinsert_post() more

To check for multiple custom fields you have to join the meta table twice. more

Run some code when a new blog is created. I'm not sure, but I guess this code has to be in a network-activated or mu-plugins plugin. Maybe having this code enabled in the blog you're using will suffice. more

This snippet shows how you can add metadata to your existing custom taxonomy. So you can use updatemetadata() and getmetadata() on your taxonomy. The filter on switchblog is only necessary if the code runs on a blog network (recommended to implement anyway). The name of the database table is very … more

Build a custom WordPress query and order the posts however you want them. Notice that this won't work properly if you page results, so it is only useful in very specific cases. Btw, wrap everything into your class and get rid o the global var when you use this ;-) more

Show the user a useful search form when on a 404 page. Turn the query string into a search. more

DjangoPythonBitcoinTuxDebianHTML5 badgeSaltStackUpset confused bugMoneyHackerUpset confused bugX.OrggitFirefoxWindowMakerBashIs it worth the time?i3 window managerWagtailContainerIrssiNginxSilenceUse a maskWorldInternet securityFontGnuPGThunderbirdJenkins