Open Wetlab


The Open Wetlab is a leading laboratory for biodesign, bioart and do-it-together biology. The lab researches biotechnologies and their impact on society and ecology.

The Open Wetlab researches biotechnologies and their impact on ecology and society.

The Open Wetlab offers an annual BioHack Academy, in which participants learn to set up their own lab using open hardware, conduct experiments, and reflect critically on the field of synthetic biology. The BioHack Academy runs annually on four continents (Europe, North America, South America and Asia) and is now being expanded to multiple countries through European collaboration in the Hybrid Lab Network.

Art-science holds an important place in the Open Wetlab’s work. She facilitates artist-in-residencies, conducts artistic research, and often collaborates with artists. As part of the European S+T+ARTS network, Waag presents its work in international collaborations at the intersection of science, technology, and the arts, and supports emerging artists.