Ricky Miller

+1 613 6188322[email protected]GitHubTwitterBlog

Greetings! I'm Ricky, a polyglot software developer currently living in Toronto, ON. Canada.

For the past several years I've been building interactive web applications with React, Redux and Node.js (JavaScript).

I've also written programs in Python, Bash, Rust and PHP. I tend to work on the front-end, but I'm no stranger to testing and automation. I've also used Electron to build cross platform desktop applications.


intelmoonmoji retrorecord emoji picker android drag and drop audio visualizer

Open Source

I've contributed to several open source projects on GitHub, most notably, Hyper, Beaker Browser, winamp2-js, and stdweb.


In my spare time I enjoy teaching others how to write software. Along with some friends, I started the Toronto chapter of Nodeschool, a monthly meetup focused on JavaScript and Node.js.

work history
android drag and drop

Android Drag & Drop

A proof-of-concept electron app for sending files to your android device's /sdcard/

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audio visualizer 1
audio visualizer 2

Web Audio Visualizer

Audio visualizer built with HTML5 web audio API

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emoji picker

Emoji Picker

Vanilla JavaScript emoji picker that replaces the basecamp emoji string, e.g. :dog: in a text input with the unicode character equivalant, e.g. 🐶. This uses native (in browser, no bundling!) supported ES6 modules, so you may need to enable that in order for it to work. A similar feature exists in the popular cloud-based team collaboration tool Slack.

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intel preview
intel screen 1
intel screen 2
intel screen 3
intel screen 4

Nowsecure INTEL

“NowSecure INTEL continuously monitors the Apple App Store and Google Play store to automatically perform in-depth static, dynamic and behavioral security analysis of new and updated 3rd-party apps on real iOS and Android devices.”

I built/maintained the front-end of this application for NowSecure using react, webpack and ES6.



Return an emoji representing the current moon phase.

The main goal of this was to have the emoji display in a shell. This can be accomplished by adding the script to your PS1 export in your .bash_prompt or similar.

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street fighter


An application to post screenshots/record video games from my raspberry pi (RetroPie) to twitter. I originally wrote this app in JavaScript and then ported it using Rust for better performance.

Each tweet interacts with various image bot accounts that respond with altered or "glitched" versions of the original content. Here's are some examples:

doom glitch
megaman glitch

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