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Results 1-6 of 6
posted bytigreinBlog
dnProBlog - Dot NET Professional Blog is a fully featured blog in ASP.NET free, with advanced features, easy to install that use Open Source Database MySql Server to store blog entries.
(3 ratings)
Message Blog.NET
posted byDevTheWebNETinBlog
Message Blog.NET is a script for a micro-blog. Features: Better Posts (Image Galleries, Embed Video, etc.), Better Commenting, Admin Panel, RSS Feeds, SEO, Text Catcha, IP BlackList, Spam word filter, etc.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.99
Santilab Technorati Integrator
posted bysantilabinBlog
Our API library for Technorati, written in C#, with support for all the Technorati APIs (CosmosQuery, SearchQuery, GetInfoQuery, BlogInfoQuery, TagQuery, TopTags, ...). Santilab Technorati library can easily interact with Technorati, perform queries and produce the data in organized trees. Santilab Technorati library is easy to use and easy to implement. It is ideal for both beginners and advanced users! Santilab Technorati library enables you to harness the full power of Technorati API very easily. Santilab Technorati library Technorati data in XML, RSS, Atom formats. For more information visit our website
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.00
Absolute Podcasting .NET
Give your Site its own Voice : Absolute Podcasting is a Complete Podcasting and Audio Blogging tool in ASP.NET,with a Web 2.0 look and AJAX based features. Complete Out-of-The Box podcasting site or use it as an extension to your web site. Unlimited mp3 and audio files, categories and users. RSS and Widget syndication, archives, banner ad support, social bookmarks and more
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
posted byPresstopiainBlog
Presstopia is an open source blogging application written entirely in ASP.NET. It supports MySQL, MS Access and MS SQL Server databases, Atom 0.3 and RSS 2.0 feeds, multiple authors, comment, trackbacks, update ping notification, and much more.
(22 ratings)
TopNews News and Blog Headlines
posted bypdearmoreinBlog
Keep your visitors up to date on that latest news items that YOU decide are important. TopNews can use any valid RSS feed to add the latest Blog or news headlines to your website! TopNews is a simple ASP.NET server control that can be added to your website using an IDE or a simple HTML tag. Using advanced CSS you can mold TopNews to fit seamlessly into your existing site design.
(12 ratings)
Results 1-6 of 6