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Accountability and Transparency Review (ATRT)

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ATRT3 Review Meeting Schedule
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ATRT3 Fact Sheet
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Implementation Progress
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Objectives of the ATRT Review

According to the Bylaws (Section 4.6(b)), the ICANN Board ‘shall cause a periodic review of ICANN’s execution of its commitment to maintain and improve robust mechanisms for public input, accountability, and transparency so as to ensure that the outcomes of its decision-making reflect the public interest and are accountable to the Internet community (“Accountability and Transparency Review”).’

The Bylaws continue to explain that ‘the issues that the review team for the Accountability and Transparency Review (the “Accountability and Transparency Review Team”) may assess include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. assessing and improving Board governance which shall include an ongoing evaluation of Board performance, the Board selection process, the extent to which the Board’s composition and allocation structure meets ICANN’s present and future needs, and the appeal mechanisms for Board decisions contained in these Bylaws;
  2. assessing the role and effectiveness of the GAC’s interaction with the Board and with the broader ICANN community, and making recommendations for improvement to ensure effective consideration by ICANN of GAC input on the public policy aspects of the technical coordination of the DNS;
  3. assessing and improving the processes by which ICANN receives public input (including adequate explanation of decisions taken and the rationale thereof);
  4. assessing the extent to which ICANN’s decisions are supported and accepted by the Internet community;
  5. assessing the policy development process to facilitate enhanced cross community deliberations, and effective and timely policy development;
  6. assessing and improving the Independent Review Process.’

For additional information and guidelines on the ATRT Review, please refer to the Bylaws, Section 4.6 (b).

Review Progress and Milestones

The graphic below illustrates phases and status of each review - a  indicates that all activities within a given phase have been completed.  The chart that follows the graphic provides further details of key activities and milestones within each phase – you can view these details by clicking on each of the phases in the graphic.  The table also contains links to relevant documents

PhaseActivityDescriptionStart DateDocuments
Assemble Review TeamCall for VolunteersCall for Volunteers for the Third Review of ICANN Accountability and Transparency31 Jan 2017
Call for Volunteers ExtensionApplication extended for the Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team20 Apr 2017
Appointment of Board DesigneeBoard appoints a member to the ATRT3 Review Team25 Oct 2018
Announcement of Review Team MembersSelection of an 18-member team to conduct the third Accountability and Transparency Review (ATRT3) announced.20 Dec 2018
Conduct ReviewTerms of Reference and Work PlanReview Team submitted Terms of Reference and Work Plan to Board14 Jun 2019
Public Comment on Draft ReportThird Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Draft Report posted for Public Comment16 Dec 2019
Draft ReportDraft Report for Public Comment16 Dec 2019
Letter from Review Team Leadership to BoardLetter from Review Team Leadership to ICANN Board regarding delay in submission of Final Report3 Apr 2020
Final ReportATRT3 Review Final Report29 May 2020
ATRT3 Final Report Executive SummaryExecutive summary of the ATRT3 Final Report29 May 2020
Board ActionBoard receipt of the Final ReportBoard receipt of the Final Report1 Jun 2020
Public Comment on Final ReportFinal report and recommendations posted for Public Comment16 Jun 2020
Board Action on RecommendationsBoard approves five recommendations consisting of fifteen component parts within the Final Report30 Nov 2020
ScorecardATRT3 Final Recommendations Board Action 30 November 202030 Nov 2020

Implementation of ATRT2 Recommendations

Domain Name System
Internationalized Domain Name ,IDN,"IDNs are domain names that include characters used in the local representation of languages that are not written with the twenty-six letters of the basic Latin alphabet ""a-z"". An IDN can contain Latin letters with diacritical marks, as required by many European languages, or may consist of characters from non-Latin scripts such as Arabic or Chinese. Many languages also use other types of digits than the European ""0-9"". The basic Latin alphabet together with the European-Arabic digits are, for the purpose of domain names, termed ""ASCII characters"" (ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange). These are also included in the broader range of ""Unicode characters"" that provides the basis for IDNs. The ""hostname rule"" requires that all domain names of the type under consideration here are stored in the DNS using only the ASCII characters listed above, with the one further addition of the hyphen ""-"". The Unicode form of an IDN therefore requires special encoding before it is entered into the DNS. The following terminology is used when distinguishing between these forms: A domain name consists of a series of ""labels"" (separated by ""dots""). The ASCII form of an IDN label is termed an ""A-label"". All operations defined in the DNS protocol use A-labels exclusively. The Unicode form, which a user expects to be displayed, is termed a ""U-label"". The difference may be illustrated with the Hindi word for ""test"" — परीका — appearing here as a U-label would (in the Devanagari script). A special form of ""ASCII compatible encoding"" (abbreviated ACE) is applied to this to produce the corresponding A-label: xn--11b5bs1di. A domain name that only includes ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens is termed an ""LDH label"". Although the definitions of A-labels and LDH-labels overlap, a name consisting exclusively of LDH labels, such as"""" is not an IDN."