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2008 Board Meetings


16 December 2008
Meeting of the Public Participation Committee


11 December 2008
Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors

Proposed Agenda

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. New gTLD Implementation Issues
  3. 2009-2012 Strategic Plan
  4. Report from Internet Governance Forum in Hyderabad
  5. United States Elections Results Transition Discussion
  6. At-Large Community Summit in Mexico City
  7. GNSO Improvements / Implementation
  8. Role of Individual Users in GNSO
  9. Proposed Change to ICANN Bylaws regarding imposing Term Limits for GNSO Council Members
  10. Registry Agreements Update - .AERO and .POST
  11. Monthly President's Report
  12. Reports from Board Committees
  13. Other Business
  14. Board Only Session

10 December 2008
Meeting of the Board IANA Committee


3 December 2008
Meeting of the Board Governance Committee


18 November 2008
Meeting of the Board Finance Committee


7 November 2008
Board Meeting Agenda (approved by Executive Committee 23 October 2008)

  1. Approval of Minutes and Approval of BGC Recommendation regarding Board Committee Minutes Standard and Publication – For Board Action
  2. Update on GNSO Improvements Implementation – For Board Discussion
  3. Single Letter Domains at the Second Level, including Proposed Contract Amendments for DotCoop and dotMobi – For Board Discussion and possible action
  4. Inter-Registar Transfer Policy – Denial Reasons Policy Development Project – For Board Action
  5. Proposed Bylaw Revisions Requested by Nominating Committee – For Board Action
  6. Approval of site of Asia Pacific Meeting – For Board Action
  7. Consideration of Proposal for At-Large Community Summit ­ Planning Status Report
  8. Proposed Creation of A Community-Wide Working Group to Review The Structure of ICANN's Present Geographic Regions – For Board Discussion
  9. President's Strategy Committee Update – For Board Discussion
  10. Receipt of Reports from Other Board Committees, Finance, Compensation, et. Al. (possible actions) – Various Committee Chairs
  11. Board Response to Discussions arising from Cairo Meeting
  12. Independent Reviews Update – For Board Discussion
  13. Registrar Accreditation Agreement Amendments Update – For Board Discussion
  14. Other Business

Organizational Meeting Agenda (Approved by Executive Committee 23 October 2008)

  1. Election of Chair
  2. Election of Vice-chair
  3. Creation of New Committees
  4. Appointment of committee leadership/membership
  5. Confirmation of Officers of ICANN
  6. Other Business

Adopted Resolutions

Transcript (Board Meeting)

Transcript (Organizational Meeting)

5 November 2008
Security and Stability Advisory Committee Appointment of Ram Mohan as Non-voting Liaison

Secretary's Notice

4 November 2008
Technical Liaison Group Appointment of Thomas Roessler as Non-voting Liaison

Secretary's Notice

1 October 2008
Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors

1) Approval of Minutes from 28 August 2008

2) President's Monthly Report

3) Approval of the ICANN Board of Director's Code of Conduct

4) De-accredited Registrar Transition Procedure

5) Financial Approval of Contractor Agreement for Multiple Language Algorithms– Relating to Aspect of New gTLD Implementation

6) Review of .COOP  and .MOBI Contractual Amendments

7) GNSO Council Re-structuring

8) President's Strategy Committee Report and Approval of Associated Director's Travel

9)  Approval of Board Governance Committee's Recommendation for ICANN SSAC Review TOR, RFP, and Working Group Charter

10) Approval of Board Governance Committee's Recommendation for ICANN's RSSAC Review Independent Review Contractor

11) Approval of Finance Committee's Recommendation for Approval of IT Equipment Purchase

12) Independent Reviews Status Report

13) Board Finance Committee Report

14) Board Governance Committee Report

15) Update on Annual Audit

16) Other Business

17) Board Executive Session


11-12 September 2008
ICANN Board of Directors Retreat, Santa Monica (Not designated as an Official Board Meeting)


28 August 2008
Special Board Meeting Agenda

[Agenda set by Executive Committee on 21 August 2008]

Review Minutes from 31 July / 1 August Special Board Meeting

President's Monthly Report

GNSO Council Restructuring

Nominating Committee's Recommendation for ICANN Bylaws Change regarding Criteria for Board Member Selection

Redelegation of the .MS (Montserrat) Domain

Ombudsman Budget

Independent Reviews Status Report

Board Finance Committee Report

Board Governance Committee Report

Board Governance Committee's Recommendation for selection of the next Nominating Committee Chair

Board's Compensation Committee Report

President's Strategy Committee Report

Other Business

Board Executive Session


31 July 2008
Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors

[Agenda set by Executive Committee 23 July 2008]

President's Monthly Report

GNSO Improvements Council Restructuring

GNSO Improvements Implementation Progress

ASN Global Policy for Autonomous System Numbers

Independent Reviews Status Report

Registry Agreements Update - .AERO and .POST

Informational Update on Single-Letter Second-Level Registry Service Requests

ICANN response to UN Letter on "Enhanced Cooperation on Public Policy Issues Pertaining to the Internet."

Update on New gTLD Process - Next Steps

Recommendation of BGC's Recommendation for academic appointment to Nominating Committee

BFC's Recommendation regarding the Mexico City Budget Approval

Other Business

Recommendation of Board's Compensation Committee

Board Executive Session


21 July 2008
Meeting of the Executive Committee

Preliminary Report

26 June 2008
Approved Board Agenda for 26 June 2008 @ ICANN's Paris Meeting (as set by ICANN Board's Executive Committee on 12 June 2008)

1) Approval of Minutes from 29 May 2008 (preliminary report is located at

2) New gTLD Policy and Implementation (possible Action)

3) IDNC / IDN Fast-track (possible action)

4) Domain name tasting - support vote on GNSO motion (possible action)

5) BFC's Recommendations regarding ICANN Budget and Operational Plan for 2008-2009 (possible action)

6) Registrar Accreditation Agreement (status update)

7) PIR DNSSEC Registry Services Proposal (possible action)

8) Review of the Board - Ratification of Executive Committee's Approval of third-party selected by the BGC to conduct the Review (possible action)

9) BGC Recommendations Regarding RSSAC Working Group Charter (possible action)

10) Bylaws Mandated and other Structural Reviews Update

11) GNSO Improvements - support vote on BGC Report (possible action)

12) GNSO Improvements Implementation Recommendations Update (possible action)

13) Receipt of Report of President's Strategy Committee Consultation (possible action)

14) Receipt of Reports from Other Board Committees, Compensation, et. Al. (possible actions)

15) Selection of Mexico City for ICANN Meeting Agreement Update (possible action)

16) Review of Paris Meeting Structure

17) Board Response to Discussions arising from Paris Meeting

18) Other Business

Adopted Resolutions

Transcript (Board Meeting)

12 June 2008
Meeting of the Executive Committee

Preliminary Report

29 May 2008
Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors

Proposed Agenda

1) Approval of the 30 April 2008 Board Minutes

2) President's Report

3) ICANN Meetings Reform Discussion

4) ICANN Paris Meeting Discussion

5) Finance Committee's Update: ICANN Budget and other matters

6) New Board Committee's Discussion

7) Board Governance Committee's ­ Acceptance of Proposal for Formation of Review Working Groups for RSSAC

8) Discussion on Board Review, including discussion of selection of independent third-party board review consultant

9) Update Discussion on New gTLDs

10) GNSO Improvements Report and Update on Implementation Efforts

11) WHOIS Policy Information Update

12) Discussion of Board Tools

13) GNSO Proposal on Absentee Voting

13) Review of GNSO's Motion on Domain Name Tasting

15) PIR's Proposed Implementation of DNSSEC in .ORG

16) Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) Negotiations and Process Update

17) Single-Letter Names at the Second Level Information Update

18) Update Discussions on various Bylaws-Mandated Reviews

19) Compensation Committee Report

20) Other Business


20 May 2008
Meeting of the Executive Committee

Preliminary Report

16 May 2008
Secretary's Notice (ccNSO Council's Re-election of Peter Dengate Thrush as an ICANN Director)

Secretary's Notice

30 April 2008
Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors

Proposed Agenda

1) Approval of Minutes from Special Meeting of the ICANN Board for 27 March 2008

2) DS Key registry for Top-Level Domain DNSSEC keys

3) .KN (St. Kitts and Nevis Islands) Redelegation

4) Finance Committee Report on Foreign Exchange Issues

5) .PRO Proposed Contract Amendments

6) Meetings Discussion

7) Paris Meeting Budget

8) Cairo Meeting Proposal Acceptance

9) Proposal to allow absentee voting on GNSO Council

10) Update on BGC independent review activities

11) ALAC Review Working Group Charter

12) Update on GNSO Improvements

13) Status of New gTLD Implementation Planning

14) Discussion of Outcomes from Riga Board Workshop

15) President's Report

16) Other Business


19 April 2008
Meeting of the Executive Committee


18 - 19 April 2008
ICANN Board of Directors Retreat, Riga (Not designated as an Official Board Meeting)


2 April 2008
Secretary's Notice (GNSO Council's Re-election of Rita Rodin as an ICANN Director)

Secretary's Notice

27 March 2008
Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors


1) Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes from New Delhi Meeting

2) Discussion of Mid-term Review of the Joint Project Agreement between NTIA and ICANN

3) Discussion of NeuStar and Afilias AGP Modification Proposals

4) Update Discussion on New gTLDs

5) Update Discussion on GNSO Improvements

6) Update Discussions on various Bylaws-Mandated Reviews

7) Update Discussion on Meetings and Budget Issues

8) Update Discussion on Paris ICANN Meeting

9) President's Report

10) Discussion of Riga Board Workshop Agenda

11) Briefing on Budget and Management Process Reporting

12) Other Business


19 March 2008
Meeting of the Executive Committee


15 February 2008
Regular Board Meeting


(As set by the Executive Committee of the ICANN Board of Directors)

1) Approval of Minutes of January 2008 Board Meeting

2) Approval of ICANN Accountability and Transparency Frameworks

3) Review of Board Governance Committee Recommendations

Possible BGC Actions

(Ombudsman Framework)

(Bylaws Mandated Reviews Update)

4) Review of Board Finance Committee Recommendations

Possible BFC Actions

(Funds Disbursement and Approvals Policy)

(Budget Next Steps)

5) Review of Board Audit Committee Recommendations

Possible Audit Committee Actions

(Approval of Auditor)

6) New gTLDs - Next Steps

7) Acknowledging Receipt of DNSSEC Recommendations from SSAC

8) ICANN Bylaws Change Request from ALAC

9) IDNs (update on IDNc discussions and technical test)

10) Other Business

Adopted Resolutions


Transcript (Board Meeting)

1 February 2008
Meeting of the Executive Committee


23 January 2008
Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors

Proposed Agenda
(as Approved by Executive Committee on 16 January 2008)

1) Approval of Minutes for 18 December 2007

2) GNSO Recommendation on Contractual Conditions for Existing gTLDs (PDP-Feb06)

3) Discussion of Ongoing Community Dialogue about IDN ccTLDs and gTLDs

4) ISC (F-Root Operator)/ICANN Mutual Responsibilities Agreement

5) Proposals to Address Domain Tasting

6) Compliance Report on Network Solutions' Domain Reservation Activities

7) Memoranda of Understanding with the Institute for Information Security Issues (IISI) at the Lomonosov Moscow State University and with Russian Association of Networks and Services (RANS)

8) GNSO Recommendations on New gTLDs

9) UDRP Provider Application from Czech Arbitration Court

10) Update on Status of Bylaws-Mandated Reviews

11) Board Governance Committee Recommendations on Appointment of Chair and Members of ALAC Review Working Group

12) Board Governance Committee Recommendation on approval of Contractor for ALAC Review Working Group

13) Board Governance Committee Recommendation on dissolution of Board Meetings Committee

14) Redelegation of .AE (United Arab Emirates)

15) Supplemental Resolution re: Brussels Branch Office

16) UPU's .POST Agreement Update

17) Update on Preparedness for India ICANN Meeting

18) Discussion of President/CEO's Report for December 2007

19) Other Business


16 January 2008
Meeting of the Executive Committee

Domain Name System
Internationalized Domain Name ,IDN,"IDNs are domain names that include characters used in the local representation of languages that are not written with the twenty-six letters of the basic Latin alphabet ""a-z"". An IDN can contain Latin letters with diacritical marks, as required by many European languages, or may consist of characters from non-Latin scripts such as Arabic or Chinese. Many languages also use other types of digits than the European ""0-9"". The basic Latin alphabet together with the European-Arabic digits are, for the purpose of domain names, termed ""ASCII characters"" (ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange). These are also included in the broader range of ""Unicode characters"" that provides the basis for IDNs. The ""hostname rule"" requires that all domain names of the type under consideration here are stored in the DNS using only the ASCII characters listed above, with the one further addition of the hyphen ""-"". The Unicode form of an IDN therefore requires special encoding before it is entered into the DNS. The following terminology is used when distinguishing between these forms: A domain name consists of a series of ""labels"" (separated by ""dots""). The ASCII form of an IDN label is termed an ""A-label"". All operations defined in the DNS protocol use A-labels exclusively. The Unicode form, which a user expects to be displayed, is termed a ""U-label"". The difference may be illustrated with the Hindi word for ""test"" — परीका — appearing here as a U-label would (in the Devanagari script). A special form of ""ASCII compatible encoding"" (abbreviated ACE) is applied to this to produce the corresponding A-label: xn--11b5bs1di. A domain name that only includes ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens is termed an ""LDH label"". Although the definitions of A-labels and LDH-labels overlap, a name consisting exclusively of LDH labels, such as"""" is not an IDN."