
How will your business change the way the world works?

The most transformative era in business is happening right now. Innovators, entrepreneurs and forward-thinking enterprises are embracing IBM Blockchain solutions to bring revolutionary trust and transparency to supply chains, global trade, international payments, the world’s food supply and much more.

This is your opportunity to join them in a defining leadership role. Learn how to leverage our leading blockchain for business platform, services led by more than 1,600 industry and technical experts, and a robust partner network — all built to help turn your blockchain vision into business-changing reality.

See the art of blockchain innovation

Join us for Blockparty, the webinar series celebrating blockchain’s transformation of consumer confidence, food safety and more. View original art and hear from leading IBM clients. Watch Blockparty live or on demand.


Build solutions independently

From ease of use to ownership of everything you create, explore the leading Hyperledger Fabric platform for multicloud, hybrid cloud and on-premises environments.

Co-create with our experts

More than 1,600 IBM blockchain experts use insights from 100+ live networks to help you address three key design points: governance, business value and technology.

Discover new opportunities

Access new audiences as an IBM Business Partner, accelerate your path to new markets through integration with the IBM Blockchain Platform, and more.

Healthcare/Life sciences

Vaccine distribution

A vaccine distribution network can build trust in new vaccines, from inception to injection. This network is powered by IBM Blockchain to monitor distribution at every step.

Health pass

Healthcare and life sciences solutions tackle issues of trust, transparency and data integrity with blockchain-based networks and solutions built on the industry’s leading platform.

Supply chain

Transparent supply

IBM Blockchain Transparent Supply enables you to create a blockchain ecosystem to share data with your supply chain partners, for transactions that are more efficient and built on trust.

Food Trust

IBM Food Trust™ helps growers, distributors and retailers build trust and make our food safer by enhancing visibility and accountability in every step of the food supply chain.

Trust Your Supplier

Trust Your Supplier brings you a faster way to qualify, onboard and manage suppliers. Simplify supplier management and reduce risk — no matter what industry you’re in.


TradeLens gives you access to one truth across the supply chain with an open and neutral platform updated and validated in near real-time by each network participant.


Explore a new world of finance

Discover how financial services companies can transform into a Cognitive Enterprise with our A/NZ report.

Letter of guarantee

Letter of guarantee solutions can speed processing by eliminating excessive paperwork and increasing end-to-end visibility. An immutable, auditable ledger gives you added confidence.

Trade finance

IBM Blockchain for Trade Finance helps you build new trading partnership, uncover new pools of liquidity and create new business models engineered to transform trade finance.



IBM Blockchain Trusted Identity™ is joining forces with others to build the internet’s long-missing, decentralized identity layer.

Learning credentials

Learning Credential Network connects learners, employers and education providers across industries and countries on a trusted network to facilitate the exchange of credentials.

Client success stories


In-depth guide to blockchain

Explore our guide to learn what blockchain technology is, how it works and why businesses are adopting it to increase trust and transparency in their industries.

Blockchain security

To protect blockchain networks from cyberattacks and fraud, you need a capable risk management system that uses cybersecurity frameworks and strong encryption.

Hyperledger Fabric

Discover why Hyperledger Fabric is the framework that supports enterprise blockchain platforms, as well as the go-to foundation for applications and solutions.

Blockchain for business

Distributed ledger technology pays substantial dividends in improved process efficiency and ensures that all parties share a single, immutable record of events.

Smart contracts

Find out how your enterprise could benefit from using smart contracts — digital contracts that are stored on a blockchain and can be preset to auto-execute.

Blockchain for social good

Charities, non-profits and companies that care about corporate social responsibility are using blockchain to help protect our earth and the people who share it.

What will we solve together?

Now is a great time to discuss how IBM Blockchain can help move your enterprise ahead.