• Resolved cjmclean


    Hi there,

    I’ve just installed the plugin and am currently running it on a test site to ascertain how well it will work for a potential client.

    I have one question for the support team. I’ve also installed the Ultimate member plugin as the client wants potential employees to be able to log into the site. When I add an employee backend, the email field is automatically registered as a login username.

    This is all well and good. However, as a test, I changed the employee’s email address (as they will no doubt do in reality) and the new address kept reverting to the old one.

    That said, is it possible to change it so we can assign another field (such as an assigned employee number) as a login username?

    Thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by cjmclean.
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  • Plugin Support Arif_me


    Hello @cjmclean,

    Greetings from WP ERP support, hope you are doing great.

    Thank you for reaching out, I would like to inform you that we do have employee login portal where the primary email(s) are used as user name.

    Can you please clarify why you are using Ultimate login Plugin while we do have employee login system.

    You can change the email address but the first time registered one will be used as user name and this one is not editable (https://prnt.sc/1f3q2nq)

    Best regards

    Thread Starter cjmclean


    Thank you for clarifying the issue. I did not actually realise you have an employee login portal as I’m still in the process of reading all the documentation.

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by cjmclean.
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