• Resolved cjmclean


    Hi there,

    As mentioned in my previous post, I’m testing this plugin for a potential client. The client would to run a website for a staffing agency.

    My question is; is it possible to grant automatic approval for leave requests?

    The idea of the staffing agency is that employees can decide when they can and can’t work without the approval of HR and HR can assign them work accordingly. This feature will be the deciding factor on whether we continue to use this plugin.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Support Arif_me


    Hello @cjmclean,

    Greetings from WP ERP support, hope you are doing great.

    Thank you for your query. Unfortunately, ERP does not have the auto leave approval feature.

    However, I have noted this one as a feature request. Have a nice day!

    Thank you

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