• Resolved luisdatec


    I have a customer who registered in the website, we created the profile in the CRM module.

    Then, I have activated the module for Accounting, and when I register with the same email, the system don’t let me add it.

    I found that adding in the database in the table <strong>web_erp_people_type_relations</strong> it can related, and is easier. So, it would be great add relations in the Front, and no go to the databases.

    Another issue that I have found in accounting system, is that the Country and State could be saved, but is not showing correctly in the contact when you edit in the Accounting system, but it shows correctly in the CRM module.

    Let me know if you need more data to solve this issue.

    Thanks !

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  • Thread Starter luisdatec


    Another issue, is when I save the Contact in the Accounting module, it lost the life_stage in the table web_erp_peoples

    Hello @luisdatec

    Yes, we got the issue and we are on it! Hopefully, this will be solved soon and will be release with the next update 🙂


    Solved and released yesterday. Please update to the latest version.


    Thread Starter luisdatec


    Hello, about the life_stage is solved.

    However, I tried to add a customer that I already had in CRM Contacts. I tried to add in the Accounting system, with the same email, and the system didn’t create the people, but also didn’t create the people relation.

    Therefore, I had to do manually in the database web_erp_people_type_relations

    Did you solved this or only about the life_stage ?

    Regards !

    You do not need to create the customer in the Accounting again. Having auto-import enabled should sync it automatically. Ref: https://prnt.sc/1341zvj


    Thread Starter luisdatec


    Yes, I understand.

    However, I don’t want to import all contacts. Some contacts are only for follow ups, but only one contact is what we do invoice.

    I keep doing in the database, and that fix. Probably I will do some script to do from the front end.

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