For Partners

For Corporations Group’s diverse technology portfolio has been at the core of the company’s success over the last 20+ years.

  • Information hubs
  • Social media
  • Communications
  • E-commerce
  • Voice assistant
  • Suggestion feed

We have

in high-load services.

Every month
of Russian internet users

use Group’s products on a monthly basis (Mediascope, Russia, 100,000+ cities, age 12–64, June 2019).

3 000

are directly engaged in developing our products. Digital Technologies supplies digitalisation solutions for Russian companies.

We adapt and build on the leading technology solutions to accelerate our partners’ businesses.

For SMEs

B2B is a key area of Group’s strategic development.

Over 500k

run their business on Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki.


use Mail.Ru for Business services.

We provide and push forward technologies that accelerate companies’ growth. We promote solutions that streamline business at any development stage and secure effective communication with users.

We believe that digitalisation can grow a micro enterprise into a small one and a small or medium-sized one into a large one.

Register at Mail.Ru for Business and try our services free of charge


For start-ups

We are looking to introduce new products into our ecosystem. Financing is available for new projects as well as established teams that require additional funding for upscaling.

Let us bring together our experience and your drive for developing unique projects to change the market and offer new products both domestically and internationally.

Individual approach to every startup

Our investment goes with
  • expertise in marketing, client service, operations, and much more
  • access to Group’s proprietary analytics, technologies, and services
  • support from Group brand in attracting developers

For Game Developers

Gaming project financing Games Ventures is Group’s investment division specialising in the gaming industry and created to support and grow high-potential gaming companies and projects around the world.

MRGV’s partners can engage Group as their global publisher and rely on the company’s resources in all key areas, including the assets of international brand.

We are looking for future game-changers of the industry, and provide localisation services to make inroads into foreign markets.

Talented Developers Support

We use individual approach to each team we work with. Our partners will get our experts’ support (including the marketing one), an access to Group’s internal analytical tools and services, and help with complete localization of a game for foreign markets. Our goal is to find developers that will shape the future of the industry. Combining our experience with your passion to develop outstanding projects, we can drive the development of the game market.
We are searching for perspective projects around the world able to disrupt gaming industry

We will unite our experience and your passion for development of truly unique projects, to disrupt the market and create interesting products not just for russian but for the global market.