Slider by 10Web – Responsive Image Slider


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Slider by 10Web is a versatile solution to help you add fast loading, responsive and SEO-friendly sliders to your website pages, posts, theme header or any other location. The plugin supports both images and videos on the slides, which further could be spiced up with various transition effects. Filmstrip, carousel and parallax effects of Premium version will have your slides look even better. You can create multi-functional sliders in Premium version, by applying text, image, video, hotspot and social media button layers to the slides. Every feature of the slides, from text size, navigation buttons to slide loading icon, can be customized, giving you a myriad of options to experiment with style and design. It’s by far the easiest solution to create beautiful sliders, which you can add to your website with a shortcode, by inserting into the theme using the PHP function or through widget. Slider by 10Web supports swipe control to make sure your slides look great on touchscreen devices. If you’re looking for power-packed slider plugin which is also user-friendly, go ahead, download it and test the plugin yourself.


  • User engagement – Sliders are engaging. Once you add beautiful slides to your posts or pages with some high quality images and appealing styling, you may observe improved user engagement rates.
  • Better user experience – With its swipe control support Slider by 10Web will provide better user experience on your website. No matter the device or the screen size you can make sure your slides will perform as they should.
  • Differentiation – From simple text color and fonts, to hotspot animation and effect duration, there are almost unlimited styling options you can try. Factor in support for custom CSS and you will have more space and flexibility with the styling of your sliders.
  • High level of personalization – One of the best things about Slider by 10Web is its flexibility! You can adjust and customize every aspect of your slides.You can play with all the features of the slides and have them match with your website’s design and overall look and feel.
  • Grabbing users’ attention – Since the sliders can be basically placed anywhere on your website, it’s a great way to bring attention to any information you want to highlight. Whether it’s an announcement, new post, or just one of your recent video tutorials, you can make sure it will catch the eye.
  • Easy to set up, use and customize – Plugin was developed with users in mind. Anyone from beginners to WordPress profs will be able to easily create and customize the sliders without any coding skills.
  • Get Support – Ger timely and effective support to all its users. We keep standards high and response time low.

What’s in it


Slider by 10Web allows you to add unlimited number of sliders to your website with as many slides as you want. Easily insert the sliders to any of your posts or pages with the generated shortcode.


The Premium version allows for creation of multi-functional sliders using the available image, text, video , social media and hotspot layers. Apart from uploading video files from your pc, you can also embed media from YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Flickr or Dailymotion using the file’s URL.


Slider by 10Web Premium version offers 27 slide transition and 38 mind-blowing layer effects to give your slides a distinct look. You can specify the start/end point of the effects, as well as specify the effect duration.


Add text and image watermarks to your slides, by selecting the size, transparency, and one of the available nine watermark positions.


Add a social sharing buttons’ layer to your slides in Premium version. You can customize almost every aspect of the buttons and enable your visitors to share your slides across the major social media platforms, like Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumbler.


Premium version adds Parallax and carousel support. You can set to display the slides in carousel view, which shows the main image at the foreground, while having the rest of the images at the background. The parallax effect will create modern 3D-like effects on the slides and take them to the next level.


If you want to export/import your slides from one website to another, that’s absolutely doable with Slider by 10Web Premium version. You can choose to transfer the slider with pictures and settings, or you can transfer only the settings of the slider and then add your images afterwards.


*Some customizations described here are available in Premium version. Please refer to feature summary for additional info.

Slider by 10Web has an intuitive drag and drop interface, which makes it easy to create, organize and customize your slides. All the slider options as well as the plugin overview is available at the admin panel. This is basically where you can create the sliders and make the necessary changes as you go. Under the plugin’s global options, you’ll find the default options for layers and some other general settings, such as enabling Slider by 10Web media upload, choosing the loading icon,adding font families, etc. All the other options for customizing the slides can be found under the sliders section, the place where you can actually start adding new slides. The user friendly interface lets you easily add images and videos to the slides, as well as embed media from popular social platforms. Beneath the added slides you’ll find the available layers that you can apply to them, each of the layers coming with its own set of settings. Before you save the final version of the slide you can preview all the changes you’ve made. At the top of the page,you’ll also find a settings icon,where you can configure the settings for the slider you’re working on. From this section you can activate carousel view, give custom styling to bullets and buttons, adjust settings for filmstrip view, as well as configure the settings for watermarking. Also, you can add custom CSS to the slides for the additional styling features.

Premium version adds

  • 27 Transition effects for slider
  • 38 Layer effects
  • Support for posts in the slides
  • Video Slide support (YouTube slider and Vimeo slider)
  • Dailymotion, Instagram and Flickr embed
  • Layers (text, image and media embed)- Video Manual
  • Social sharing buttons layer (Google+, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook)
  • Hotspot layer
  • Filmstrip support
  • Custom styles for navigation buttons/bullets
  • Support for Parallax Slider
  • Support for Carousel effect
  • Video Slide and layer (mp4)
  • Slider Export/Import.


If you think you found a bug in Slider by 10Web or have any problem/question concerning the plugin, please check out WordPress Slider Support Forum in our website. If you do not find a solution here, do not hesitate to click here to contact us.


  • Slider by 10Web - Slider 1
  • Slider by 10Web - Slider 2
  • Slider by 10Web - Slider 3
  • Slider by 10Web - Slider 4
  • Slider by 10Web - Edit Slider
  • Slider by 10Web - Settings
  • Slider by 10Web - Global Options


Thank you for your interest in Slider by 10Web.

Installing via WordPress
Follow the steps below to install Slider by 10Web to your website.
Log-in to your WordPress administrator panel.
Select Plugins page from toolbar menu, click Add New.
Search for Slider by 10Web in the right-top search bar if you want to download the Free version or click Upload Plugin button > “Choose file” (“Browse”) and select the Slider by 10Web zip file if you are installing the Professional version of Slider by 10Web.

For Mac Users
Go to your Downloads folder and locate the folder with the Slider by 10Web. Right-click on the folder and select Compress. This will create a .zip file which can be installed as described below:
Click “Upload & Install” button.
Click “Activate Plugin” button for activating the plugin.

Installing via FTP

Login to your hosting space via an FTP software, e.g. FileZilla.
Unzip the downloaded Slider by 10Web plugin folder without making any changes to the folder.
Upload the Slider by 10Web plugin into the following location wp-content>wp-plugins.
Login to the WordPress Administrator Panel.
Activate Slider by 10Web by going to Plugins and pressing Activate button.

If any problem occurs with installation of Slider by 10Web, please let us know.


What can I achieve with Slider by 10Web plugin?

WordPress Slider plugin is a user-friendly tool which helps you create unlimited responsive sliders for your website.

It lets you add images, videos, posts and other media as slides or layers. Configure the numerous useful options and showcase your slider on a WordPress page, post, widget area or a custom PHP template.

Include YouTube, Vimeo, as well as self-hosted videos to your slideshow with just a few clicks. Video autoplay feature of Slider plugin lets you provide a modern user interface for the visitors of your website.

Enrich the display of your slides with 6 amazing layer features, such as text, image and video layers, other media, social buttons, and hotspots. WordPress Slider plugin provides various aesthetic transition effects for slides and layers, letting you advance your slideshow to a whole new level.

Using this WordPress Slider plugin, you can turn your slideshow into a posts slider using your website posts. Furthermore, you can create an interactive slideshow by linking any slide to an internal or external web page.

Powered by modern technology, WordPress Slider plugin will help you build amazing sliders without having to code a single line. You can create the following types of CSS3 slider with wonderful autoplay feature:

  • cycle slider,
  • free video slideshow (specifically TouTube slideshow and vimeo slideshow),
  • product carousel,
  • Javascript slideshow,
  • photo slideshow,
  • testimonial slider,
  • content slideshow,
  • simple image rotator,
  • video gallery and more.

You can display images slider with different elegant animations. This slideshow plugin allows you to display your portfolio images, videos in a modern slider gallery.

The options to create these slideshows are infinite. For instance, if you wish to create a simple PDF slider, you can use text layers and image layers on a white background image, and thus showcase your content slider in a PDF-like style.

Or, you can turn the slider into a Woocommerce slider by adding links to Woocommerce product pages.

How can I add images to slider?

Press Add Slides button below Slider Title to add an item to your banner rotator. You will access WordPress Media Library, which lets you use existing images or upload new media.

Upload the images and videos you wish to add or browse items from WordPress Media Library. You can select a single item by clicking on it, or choose multiple by pressing and holding Shift or Control keys on your keyboard.

After choosing the images and videos for your image carousel or cycle slider, press Add to Slider button.

When the slides are added, you will be able to see the list of their thumbnails which help you to easily navigate through slides. Each thumbnail has its own set of buttons, which will become visible after hovering on an item:

  • Edit. You can change the slide image, keeping its attributes (e.g. layers on slides, transitions).
  • Copy. Pressing this button will create a duplicate of the current slide. The duplicate will be added as the last slide of your slideshow.
  • Delete. You can delete the slide using this button.

Furthermore, you are able to change the ordering of the slides by dragging the thumbnails and repositioning them.

Make sure to Publish/Update your slideshow to keep the changes you made. You can also Preview the slider to check its appearance.

Adding Images from URL

In addition to uploading, embedding items and using WordPress posts, WordPress Slider plugin allows to insert images using their absolute links. To do this, press Add Slides button and navigate to Insert from URL tab.

This section of the toolbox provides an input, where you just need to add the absolute URL of an image. The link needs to have the following structure:

After providing the URL of the slide image, click Add to Slider button.

Using WD Media Uploader

Besides using default Media Library, WordPress Slider plugin has an advanced WD Uploader for adding or editing slides. This is a powerful and user-friendly tool which allows you to upload and manage images, separate them into folders, and more.

To access WD Uploader, firstly, you need to enable it from Global Options of Slider by 10Web plugin. Go to Slider by 10Web > Options page and set Enable WD Media Uploader setting to Yes.

Afterwards, edit your slideshow and click on Add Slides button. Navigate to WD Media Uploader tab to start adding new images. This dashboard includes a set of options which we will describe one by one.

Can I add video slides to slider?

Slider by 10Web plugin also lets you embed media from various platforms, such as YouTube and Vimeo. To use this feature, press Add Slides button then click on Embed Media tab. Use the input bar above to add the URL of the image or video you wish to add, then press Add to slider button.

You can import items from the following websites:
* YouTube,
* Vimeo,
* Instagram,
* Flickr,
* Dailymotion.

For instance, when adding a YouTube video as a slideshow item, you just need to provide its link.

This lets you create a modern-looking fullscreen slider with videos, that showcase your products, business or services.

Is it possible to make custom style changes to a slide?

Use CSS tab of Slider Settings to write additional CSS code and apply custom styles to the slider. Note, that these changes will override the original styles of the slider.

Also, you can edit its Settings by enabling different attributes and configuring corresponding features. For instance, you can enable slide vertical animation effect and turn your slideshow into a vertical slider.

These vertical slides look especially nice, when you are displaying professional photographs. However, you are able to use all slide effects both on images and videos.

Can I publish slider as a widget?

To publish your slideshow on a widget area, navigate to Appearance > Widgets page. All widgets on your website and widget areas provided by your theme are available on this dashboard.

Look for Slider by 10Web widget, then drag it to the widget area where you wish to display the slideshow. Write a Title for the widget and choose any slideshow using Select Slider drop-down menu. Press Save and the slider will appear on this widget area immediately.

How can I add layers to slides?

WordPress slider plugin provides powerful layer options, which help you enhance the display of your slideshow. This section of Slider by 10Web user guide will help you add them to your slides and fully customize them.

The plugin is tuned up with the following types of layers, which can be added to each slide multiple times:

  • Text, allowing you to display a text block on your slides,
  • Image, which lets you place an image layer over the slide background image,
  • Video, which you can use to add a self-hosted video on the slide,
  • Media Embed, that adds Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram, Flickr, and Dailymotion media as slide layer,
  • Social Buttons, letting you place Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumblr share buttons on your slides,
  • Hotspot, which adds an animating spot to slide. It displays additional text, when users hover the hotspot, and you can also add an onclick link to it.

Click on a slide you wish to edit, and the layer buttons will appear under the main image. Press the one you wish to add to the selected slide, and let’s begin customizing its settings.

After a layer is added, a new toolbox becomes available, providing various customization options. Using the top bar, you can:
* reorder the layer using drag-and-drop feature,
* edit the title of the layer,
* delete or copy it,
* change its order number.

Click on the gray bar to expand and edit all options of the layer. This section of user-friendly tools allows to fully personalize each layer. You are able to implement modifications such as:

  • specify the dimensions of layers,
  • set their positions on slides,
  • configure slide in and slide out animations effects,
  • modify their color, font style, transparency,
  • add unique classes for layers,
  • set links on each layer,
  • configure various on-click actions, such as playing/pausing slideshow,
    and much more.

It is important to note, that Slider by 10Web plugin also allows you to reposition layers by dragging them around on the slide itself.

Can I move sliders from one site to another?

To save lots of time, WordPress slider plugin provides its Import/Export feature, letting you move created sliders from one site to another. With just a few clicks, you can have all slideshows uploaded and built on your second website.

Prior to transferring the sliders, make sure to install Slider by 10Web to the destination site. Let’s begin discussing exporting and importing options.

Exporting Sliders

Navigate to Slider by 10Web > Sliders page to export slideshows. Mark the sliders you would like to export, then select Export option from Bulk Actions. Afterwards, press Apply button and sliders will start downloading immediately.

You can choose to transfer the slider with images and settings, or alternatively, just export the settings and add your own slides afterwards.

Importing Sliders

To import the downloaded sliders, go to Slider by 10Web > Import page first. Use Choose File button to browse the exported slider. Select the file, afterwards, click Import button. The slider will be added automatically.

You can also import slideshows from Demo site and import them to your website. Just press the Download button below each slider, and follow the steps described above.

How do I insert the WordPress Slider into a Page or a Post?

To insert your slider into a page or post, add or edit the post/page where you wish to showcase the slideshow. Above the content editor, there is a button titled Add Slider by 10Web. All you need to do is to press this button, choose a slideshow using Select a Slider drop-down menu, then click Insert.

The shortcode of your slideshow, e.g. [wds id=”2″], will be added to the content of the page/post you are editing.

In addition, you can add the shortcode manually by copying it from Slider by 10Web > Sliders page. Each slider shortcode is displayed next to the corresponding item, under Shortcode column.

Can I customize Slider settings to better fit my needs?

WordPress Slider plugin comes with a set of useful options which allow you to customize each slideshow independently. Having configured slideshows separately, you can publish multiple sliders on your website, each with its own unique design and purpose.

Navigate to Settings tab of your slider to begin configuring its options.

This toolbox consists of the following sections, each providing its own pack of user-friendly options.


Global tab of Slider Settings includes general options for the slider. You can personalize the way your slider behaves and shows. You can:
* modify its display type and dimensions,
* set animation effect and its duration,
* specify slider looping and shuffling settings,
* change slideshow behavior on desktop and mobile devices,
* set music to play along with the slider,
* enable parallax effect for the slider, and much more.


Have your slideshow appearing in Carousel mode by activating it from Carousel tab of Slider Settings. With these options, you can personalize the display of your slider carousel. You are able to:
* change the number of images shown on carousel,
* set the ratio of carousel image dimensions (width divided by height),
* edit the styles of carousel background image, and more.


Completely customize the way your slider navigates using the tools provided in Navigation section of Slider Settings. You are able to switch on:
* mouse-click navigation (Next/Previous buttons),
* mouse-swipe and mouse-wheel navigation,
* touch-swipe navigation on mobile devices,
* keyboard navigation with next/previous keys,
* on-slider Play / Pause buttons,
* as well as activate navigation buttons for your slider and style every attribute as you wish.


Place bullets on your slider by activating them from this section. This feature lets users to easily navigate from one slide to another in a random sequence. This set of options lets you:
* select to show bullets on hover or always,
* set the position of slider bullets,
* choose color, size and margin for them,
* customize the bullets by uploading your own images, and more.


Display a nifty filmstrip of slide thumbnails along with your slider. This is a neat way to showcase miniatures of your slides before users click to view their larger versions. You can customize the filmstrip by:
* changing its position on the slider,
* setting background color and inactive thumbnail transparency,
* specify thumbnail dimensions and separator size,
* customize the border of the active thumbnail.

Timer bar

Activating Timer bar lets you have a neat loading bar with each slide. The loading bar starts every time a slide displays, and ends when the slideshow switches to the next image during autoplay.

You can customize the type of the Timer bar, as well as its size, color and transparency.


You are able to add watermark to the main images of your slider with the options Watermark section provides. Choose the type of the watermark, text or image, then configure settings such as:
* providing watermark text or image URL,
* specifying font size, font style and color of watermark text.
* setting the size of the watermark image, and select the position of the watermark.
* Press Set Watermark to add the watermark text or image to main images of your slider. To remove it, simply click on Reset Watermark button.

Can I use Slider by 10Web to create different sliders for different pages?

Yes, you can create unlimited number of sliders with unlimited amount of slides. Then you may paste corresponding slider code within each page.The slider shortcodes are listed next to the slider in Slider by 10Web > Slider section.

Can I add a slider into a custom PHP template of my website theme?

In case you use custom PHP templates and would like to display your slideshow on these pages, you can use PHP function Slider by 10Web plugin provides. You just need to add the function, e.g.:

into the necessary .php file. For instance, if you wish to display the slideshow along with the header, simply add the code to header.php file of your website theme. You can find the function and copy it from Slider by 10Web > Sliders page, under PHP function column.

Is it possible to add watermark to slider images?

You are able to add watermark to the main images of your slider with the options Slider Settings > Watermark section provides. Choose the type of the watermark, text or image, then configure settings such as:

  • providing watermark text or image URL,
  • specifying font size, font style and color of watermark text.
  • setting the size of the watermark image,
  • and select the position of the watermark.

Press Set Watermark to add the watermark text or image to main images of your slider. To remove it, simply click on Reset Watermark button.

Does Slider by 10Web support Google fonts?

Slider by 10Web does support Google Fonts. This allows you to custom text layer over slides using the provided big variety of Google Fonts.

You can change the fonts of a layer by editing it. Look for Font family option to enable Google Fonts, then select the font family you wish to use.

What are the most common applications of this wordpress responsive plugin?

This free slider plugin can be used for showcasing your portfoliow with the help of:
* Image slider,
* video slider (specifically vimeo slider, youtube slider, HTML5 slider),
* post slider,
* product slider,
* photo slider / gallery slider,
* carousel slider and more.

Thes content slider options are the most commonly used applications of the best slider plugin, but those can be expanded to meet the needs. You can combine images into multi-layer content with videos and carousel slideshow effect or display video layers.

Is this a good plugin for creating a post slider?

The plugin allows embedding WordPress posts making it a great WordPress Posts slider with various functionality and content slideshow. This is also useful in case you wish to have a product slider. You can add your products as posts and display them on your slideshow.

Moreover, it can be turned into custom post types slider or a content slider with various layers, images and animations. This will help to create product carousel/image carousel with ecommerce plugins or photo slideshow with gallery plugin and even more.

The good part of this is that you can have a text slider with its picture slide, while keeping up with responsive post slider if compared with other post slider or banner slider plugins. This image slideshow plugin has all the necessary features for creating various kinds of wonderful CSS3 slider.

Can I post links on slider images using this slider plugin?

You can post a redirection link on the image, allowing the user to get to the mentioned post or page upon clicking on the slide. Please note, that with this WordPress responsive slider plugin, you need to use http:// and https:// for external links.

Why is my watermark not showing on image?

Watermark may not work because of the following reasons:

  • If you add slider images by embedding them from an external link,
  • If your GD2 library is switched off on your server,
  • If the image you have uploaded is larger than the slider dimensions you have set in settings.
    The last point means that if you have placed the watermark on the angles of the image, it will not be visible because the slider image will be cut off.

So, please try the following:
* Make sure to upload images in slider plugin, instead of embedding it from an external URL,
* make sure to have your server’s GD2 library on,
* resize the slideshow images and set the same dimensions as in Slider Settings before uploading.

If you post a watermark on the slider plugin and it does not appear on the image, you can check the watermark position firstly. Please open Slide Options section, and use Fillmode to change the appearance of the slide background. By changing the fillmode option, you can see in which mode the watermark looks good on WordPress responsive slider images.

Can I post social media buttons to slides using WordPress responsive slider ?

Premium version of Slider by 10Web plugin allows you to place social media layers. Under each image of your slider, you’ll see Add Social Media Button Layer button.

Press it to add to your slide. You also are able to customize these buttons using layer settings.

Can I add custom navigation buttons?

You can add your own custom navigation images instead of buttons in WordPress responsive slider plugin. You can also manage default buttons by customizing sizes, colors, border and background colors.

To add custom buttons in slider plugin please enter Settings > Navigation section and find Image for next / previous buttons. Select Custom and upload images for each button.

Does WordPress responsive slider allow to post the same layer on different images?

Slider plugin lets you use the same text layer, image layer, video layer for all slider images. After adding the layer, you can mark the Static layer option and the layer will be visible on all slides.

Does slider plugin take the full width if I post it as a widget?

The plugin takes the full width of the widget area if the Boxed Layout in Slider Settings is checked. Please note that the option you can find in the Global Options section, rather than in the widget settings.


Read all 280 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Slider by 10Web – Responsive Image Slider” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Slider by 10Web – Responsive Image Slider” has been translated into 8 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Slider by 10Web – Responsive Image Slider” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Fixed: Slide options styles.


  • Fixed: Default font for layers.


  • Fixed: Make it possible to change bullet style in free version.


  • Fixed: Compatibility with PHP8.
  • Fixed: Images ratio with Zoom Fade effect.


  • Added: Possibility to hide layers on mobile.
  • Fixed: Zoom fade effect for first slide.
  • Fixed: Carousel on Firefox, Safari.


  • Fixed: Input styles in settings.
  • Fixed: Hotspot layer with Effect in option.


  • Fixed: Two way slideshow.
  • Fixed: JS error on Carousel view.
  • Fixed: Insert from URL on WP5.6.


  • Improved: Get Google fonts dynamically.


  • Fixed: Minor bugs.
  • Fixed: Add YouTube scripts if only needed.


  • Fixed: ZIP lib conflict


  • Fixed: SQL Injection on bulk actions.
  • Fixed: Conflicts with WP5.5.


  • Fixed: Conflict with php 7.4.


  • Fixed: Do not load image on changing between images.


  • Fixed: Bug with WordPress 5.4
  • Fixed: Automatically mute all videos with enabled autoplay.


  • Added: Option to allow create slider by user roles.


  • Removed: Banner to install Image optimizer.


  • Added: Option to hide filmstrip on mobile screens.


  • Improved: Add slider images to the XML generated with Yoast or Seo by 10Web.


  • Added: Ask a question button.


  • Fixed: Video slide Video loop.
  • Updated: jQuery upload library.


  • Added: Slider edit links for Elementor widget.


  • Fixed: Newly added slider preview image.
  • Fixed: Leave page message for newly published slider.
  • Removed: Google+.
  • Fixed: Some settings in Options do not work.
  • Fixed: PHP Notices from Slider in log file.


  • Added: Banner to install 10Web manager.


  • Fixed: Security issue.


  • Changed: PHP function shortcode check if function exists.
  • Fixed: Do not print js before DOCTYPE.
  • Fixed: Error when clicking allow or skip to collect some usage data more then once.


  • Added: Message during import for PHP XML and ZipArchive PHP extensions.
  • Added: The Separate section for 10Web Plugins in Elementor.
  • Fixed: Add Layer click action.
  • Changed: User guide links.
  • Changed: Analytics trackable links.


  • Fixed: WD library.


  • Added: Elementor widget.


  • Fixed: Bug on restarting slider.
  • Fixed: Smart crop functionality.
  • Updated: Free users library.


  • Fixed: Rendering in Elementor builder.
  • Changed: Navigation buttons showing delay on hover.
  • Changed: Links to
  • Changed: Demo slider download buttons and images.


  • Fixed: Add shortcode functionality on Beaver, Elementor, SiteOrigin and Visual Composer builders.
  • Fixed: Set/Reset watermark functionality.
  • Fixed: Conflict with Fast Velocity Minify plugin with minified js.


  • Fixed: Text layer fixed step position.
  • Fixed: Bug on slider preview.
  • Fixed: Slider autoplay with multiple sliders on one page.
  • Changed: Video autoplay on some browsers.


  • Changed: Separate buttons for deactivation.


  • Fixed: Callback functionality.
  • Added: GDPR compliance (Privacy suggestion text).
  • Fixed: Bug on circle timer.


  • Updated: WD Library (added GDPR Compliance).


  • Fixed: Rapid movement of slider.
  • Added: Gutenberg integration.


  • Fixed: Layer effect in animation in some case.


  • Fixed: Minor bug depend on PHP version.


  • Changed: Main PHP file structure.
  • Changed: GET variable in slider edit page.
  • Fixed: Keyboard, Mouse swipe, Touch swipe navigation.


  • Added: Insert slide image from URL.
  • Fixed: Full width slider height.
  • Fixed: Bug on PHP 7.2.0 version.
  • Changed: Overview page.


  • Removed: Notification


  • Fixed: Some js and css conflicts with other plugins and builders.
  • Fixed: Install Demo slides.
  • Changed: Overview page.


  • Added: Background fill mode for slide.
  • Added: Auto height functionality for full width slider.
  • Added: Option to stretch slider to fill parent container.
  • Fixed: Video layer autoplay bug.


  • Changed: Deactivation popup.


  • Changed: Improved user interface of sliders.
  • Fixed: Reset settings.
  • Fixed: Import slider on Windows servers.
  • Added: Support forum and Review links.


  • Added: Show notification to install Image Optimizer WD plugin on plugin pages.


  • Changed: Show notification to install Backup WD plugin only on plugin pages.


  • Removed: Popup to install Backup WD plugin.


  • Added: Show popup notice to install Backup WD plugin.


  • Fixed: Overview page conflict.
  • Fixed: Conflict with Jetpack Contact Form module.


  • Fixed: Updated library to prevent conflict with PHP version 7.


  • Improved: Audio file validation.


  • Fixed: Do not insert a shortcode if no slider is selected.


  • Improved: Translatable backend
  • Improved: Compatibility with jQurey 3.2.1


  • Fixed: HTML attribute validation.


  • Fixed: Security issue in filemanager.


  • Fixed: Uninstall.
  • Fixed: Youtube video autoplay in some case.


  • Fixed: Slider direction with two slides.


  • Changed: Minimum font size validation.


  • Added: Apply layer global options to existing layers.
  • Changed: Removed support forum link.


  • Added: Minimum font size for text layers


  • Added: Support forum link.


  • Improved: Fonts.


  • Added: Default options for layers.
  • Added: Overview page.
  • Fixed: Google fonts bug.


  • Fixed: Deleting newly added slides and layers.
  • Fixed: Slider height with horizontal filmstrip.
  • Fixed: Share slides.
  • Fixed: Scroll load.
  • Fixed: Video slide and layer poster in backend.
  • Fixed: Image thumbnail in backend with single quote in name.


  • Fixed: Warrning in admin popups.
  • Fixed: Required field validation.
  • Changed: Scroll load in filemanager.


  • Fixed: Save as copy.


  • Added: Slides order direction (optional).
  • Fixed: Filemanager allowed file types.
  • Fixed: Zoomfade effect.


  • Fixed: Transition effect bug.


  • Added: Animation iteration count.
  • Fixed: Sliders import.


  • Added: Full width slider on small screens.


  • Fixed: Sanitize folder names in filemanager.


  • Fixed: Fixed background videos.
  • Changed: “Select slider to use settings from” option on sliders merge.


  • Fixed: Upload only images zip.
  • Fixed: Removed empty line breaks from inline javascipt to prevent conflict with some themes.
  • Fixed: Zoom Fade effect on Google Chrome browser.


  • Fixed: New line in text layer.
  • Fixed: Carousel view.


  • Added: Static layers.


  • Added: Alignment for text layer.


  • Added: Two way slideshow. Slideshow can go backwards if someone switch to a previous slide.


  • Changed: UploadHandler class name to prevent conflict with some themes.
  • Fixed: Layer styles conflict with some themes.
  • Changed: Dutch translations by Piet Kok.


  • Added: Link to slide.
  • Fixed: Click action for carousel view.


  • Added: Possibility to change loading icon.


  • Fixed: Slider with fixed background.
  • Fixed: Buttons styles in backend.


  • Added: Merge sliders.
  • Fixed: Double quotes in custom javascript.


  • Fixed: Layer RotatInDownRight effect saving.


  • Fixed: Slider add new button under the message.


  • Added: Option to hide slider on mobile.


  • Fixed: Active thumbnail in carousel view.
  • Changed: Loading gif.


  • Changed: Featured themes page.


  • Added: Text layer alignment option.


  • Fixed: Preview popup.
  • Fixed: Add posts popup styles.
  • Fixed: Loading in filemanager.
  • Fixed: Resetting layer positions on parallax sliders on touch leave.


  • Fixed: Case sensitive search by name in Filemanager bug.
  • Changed: Show last uploaded files as first in Filemanager.
  • Changed: File manager design.
  • Fixed: Sliders duplicate.


  • Changed: Updated Font Awesome to 4.6.3 version.
  • Fixed: Slider margin responsiveness.
  • Fixed: Effect processing direction for slider with two slides.


  • Added: Option whether include scripts only on necessary pages or no.


  • Fixed: Conflict with “Yoast SEO” plugin.
  • Fixed: Case sensitive search by name in Filemanager bug.
  • Changed: Show last uploaded files as first in Filemanager.


  • Changed: Support for new version of Google Fonts.


  • Fixed: Interval for checking for updates.
  • Fixed: Parallax effect on mobile.
  • Fixed: Video autoplay bug.
  • Changed: Featured plugins page.


  • Added: Hover color for text layer


  • Fixed: Link the slide in carousel view.
  • Fixed: Specialchars in text layer.
  • Changed: Slider bulk actions.


  • Fixed: Minor bugs.
  • Changed: Do not change the slide until slide loads.
  • Fixed: Instagram slides.
  • Fixed: Embed media by YouTube short url.


  • Fixed: Slider display bug after previous update.


  • Changed: Add scripts and styles only on pages where necessary.


  • Changed: Save relative urls in database instead of absolute urls.


  • Fixed: Save slider with big amount of slides.
  • Fixed: Sliders pagination styles.
  • Fixed: Vimeo autoplay.


  • Added: No sliders found message.
  • Fixed: Add images on new slider.
  • Fixed: Duplicate sliders.
  • Fixed: Add posts page styles.


  • Added: Function with sliders return value.
  • Changed: Featured plugins page.


  • Fixed: Conflict with “Wordfence Security” plugin.
  • Added: Hotspot text on click/hover(optional).


  • Fixed: Add post page styles on WordPress 4.5
  • Fixed: Undefined iframes in frontend.
  • Fixed: Filmstrip responsiveness.


  • Changed: Add font-family without saving whole slider.


  • Added: Text, image, hotspot layers click actions.


  • Added: Slider loop option.
  • Changed: Featured plugins, themes page.


  • Added: Possibility to add font family to google fonts.


  • Fixed: Slider by 10Web media uploader files with withespaces in name.
  • Added: Option for hotspot animation.
  • Added: Video loop and related video options.


  • Updated: Google fonts list.


  • Fixed: Bug in layer effect


  • Changed: Some guidelines.


  • Added: Google fonts scripts (greek,latin,greek-ext,vietnamese,cyrillic-ext,latin-ext,cyrillic).
  • Changed: Featured plugins and themes pages.


  • Added: Possibility to add class to layers.


  • Fixed: Conflict with some themes.
  • Fixed: Dutch in translation (Thanks to Hielke Brandsma).


  • Improved: Filemanager load time.


  • Fixed: Newly added parameters on duplicate.


  • Changed: User Manual links.
  • Fixed: Vimeo embed videos pause bug on slide change.


  • Fixed: Slider autoplay duration depend on Youtube video duraton.
  • Fixed: Text bullets activate color.


  • Added: Slide names as bullets.


  • Fixed: Shortcode in custom container.


  • Fixed: Verify nonce on embed media.
  • Added: Carousel background image angle, grayscale, transparency options.


  • Added: New year promo notice


  • Fixed: Filemanager vulnerability. Thanks to Mika Epstein.


  • Fixed: Licensing page.
  • Fixed: Plugin direction for icons.
  • Changed: Featured themes page.


  • Fixed: Slider callback page responsiveness.
  • Fixed: Keyboard navigation blocks spacebar.


  • Added: Slider callback.
  • Fixed: Styles for WordPress 4.4.
  • Fixed: Slider on Firefox.


  • Fixed: HTML validation.


  • Changed: Featured plugins page.


  • Fixed: File manager styles.
  • Fixed: Stay on current tab after save.


  • Fixed: Shortcode puts in html tags for some themes.
  • Changed: Enlarge title container in admin.
  • Changed: Add slide button.
  • Fixed: Carousel load.


  • Added: Smart crop.


  • Fixed: Backend styles.
  • Fixed: Check all in add post popup.


  • Changed: Backend design.
  • Changed: Responsive backend.


  • Fixed: Border sizing problem with image wrap.


  • Added: Shortcode support in text layers.


  • Fixed: Controll buttons in sites with different site and admin urls.


  • Added: Fixed background slider.


  • Changed: Default uploader.


  • Changed: Demo Sliders.


  • Fixed: Video sliders export without videos and thumbnails.
  • Fixed: Single quote in css.
  • Changed: Loading styles.


  • Added: Show thumbnail on bullets hover.
  • Fixed: First slide with single quotes in name.
  • Fixed: Video slide/layer export/import with featured image.
  • Fixed: Hide slider play /pause button on video slides.


  • Added: Possibility to add font family.
  • Fixed: “Link the slide to:” option save.
  • Changed: No image, no video images.
  • Changed: Notices show order.


  • Added: Video slide/layer.
  • Fixed: Line break in text, hotspot layer on export/import.


  • Added: Swipe for filmstrip.
  • Added: Mousewheel and keyboard navigation methods.
  • Changed: Make touch navigation optional.


  • Fixed: Flashing only on first transition during fade effect.


  • Changed: Embed autoplay on slider autoplay.
  • Fixed: Embed video poster.
  • Changed: Featured plugins page.


  • Added: Support/rate us messages.


  • Changed: Filmstrip navigation arrows show on hover.


  • Changed: Compability with WordPress 4.3.
  • Changed: Filmstrip separator.
  • Changed: Message classes.


  • Added: Google fonts.


  • Added: Option to display bullets on hover.


  • Added: Option for mouse swipe navigation.


  • Fixed: Removed editor button from hotspot layer.
  • Added: Demo sliders page.


  • Fixed: Multiple sliders in a page.


  • Fixed: Embed slide as first slide.
  • Changed: Licensing page.


  • New: Slider preview in admin.
  • Changed: Improved slide load.
  • Fixed: Play/pause button.


  • New: Parallax effect.


  • Fixed: security issue.
  • Changed: Manage buttons position.


  • Changed: YouTube, Vimeo embed.
  • New: Instagram, Flickr and Dailymotion embed.


  • New: Hotspot layer (pro version).


  • New: Search by name in file manager.


  • Changed: Featured plugins page.


  • Fixed: Slider playback direction.


  • Fixed: Slider width/height problem after Chrome update.
  • Fixed: Export.
  • Fixed: Carousel slider with one slide.


  • Fixed: Conflict with some themes.


  • New: Slider Export/Import.
  • Fixed: Delete slides whitout layers on slider delete.
  • Fixed: Image change effect in carousel views whith one image.
  • Fixed: Removed “There is no slider selected or the slider was deleted.” error message for unpublished sliders.
  • Fixed: Carousel view after Chrome update(23.05.15).
  • Fixed: Activate first slide tab after slider duplication.
  • Fixed: Active bullet and filmstrip thumbnail in carousel view.


  • Changed: Featured plugins page.
  • New: Featured themes page.


  • Change links.


  • Fixed: Disable enter key on text inputs.
  • New: Bulk add images by media uploader.


  • Fixed: Image layer alt.
  • Fixed: Word break in Chrome.


  • Fixed: Timer bar and bullets postion with horizontal filmstrip.
  • Fixed: Set watermark.


  • Fixed: Slide change direction from 9 to 10.
  • Fixed: Layers with “Start with slide” option.


  • Update licensing page


  • New: Start with slide option.
  • New: Effect duration option.


  • New: Circle timer.
  • New: Slider duplication.
  • Fixed: Disable swipe on navigation off.
  • Fixed: Layer click on 3D animations.


  • custom play/pause buttons
  • slide duplication


  • Image for Next / Previous buttons (Default, Custom, Styled)
  • Image for bullets (Default, Custom, Styled)


  • stop on hover option
  • slide, text layer, image layer link open in a new window option


  • single quota in image name (bug fixed)


  • Turn SliderWD Media Upload
  • Ajax save
  • Images Bulk Add
  • Timer bar bug fixed
  • change shortcode button
  • fullwidth slider margin bug fixed


  • User manual links added.


  • Initial version.