Industry-Leading Viewability and Verification Technology

Through our proprietary brand safety technology, RhythmGuard, we are committed to building the highest quality marketplace available to advertisers and publishers.

RhythmGuard: Standing Behind Inventory Quality

RhythmGuard is our proprietary brand safety technology designed to actively combat fraud and invalid traffic within our marketplace. Our unique detection algorithms, combined with data and measures from recognized third-party verification partners, help ensure uniform quality across supply and demand partners.

Solutions for Advertisers

Filters For Highest-
Quality supply

We maintain extensive block lists based on domain, device ID, user agent, and IP address. These lists are constantly being updated to help ensure accuracy.

Protects From
Sophisticated Fraud

Proprietary algorithms combine the data from our exchange with top third-party verification providers to dynamically generate a Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) score that eliminates traffic based on suspicious behaviors and actions.

Provides Contextual
Brand Safety

Review of contextual placements and keywords to help ensure ads do not appear near suspicious or objectionable content or news.

Protects From
Domain Spoofing

Post-bid, but before the impression is served, RhythmGuard checks for domain spoofing to verify that the supply purchased is the supply offered — at no cost to the advertiser.

Solutions for Publishers

Campaign Filtering

Scans all campaigns to help ensure they meet quality and safety standards.

Malware Detection

Protocols to protect from malvertising by monitoring and analyzing all ad tags and creatives.

Traffic Quality Filters

Scans all supply to help ensure the highest quality supply enters marketplace for high CPMs and fill.

RhythmGuard In Action

From the moment we partner with a publisher to the microseconds before we serve an ad that has been bid on, RhythmGuard is at work filtering traffic and helping to ensure we maintain our highest quality standards.

Our Partners

In addition to our own proprietary machine learning algorithms, we partner with some of the industry’s leaders to help ensure quality at every step.


Associations and Certifications