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Russia remains on summer time after all

Several news sources are reporting that a bill proposing to permanently switch back to winter time has been recalled in the Russian Duma. Russians will remain on permanent summer time until further notice.

Silhouette of the Moscow Kremlin

No time change for Russia this Fall after all.

©iStockphoto.com/Alexey Bushtruk

Bill Recalled

News reports are confirming that a bill introduced by Russian State Duma Deputies to permanently switch back to standard time, has been recalled. The bill sought to return Russia to winter time from Sunday, October 28, 2012, when the rest of Europe falls back, and to remain on standard time permanently.

Widespread Confusion

Amidst widespread confusion about whether the bill would pass, the government finally announced on Friday, October 26, 2012, that it will stand by its 2011 decision to remain permanently on Daylight Saving Time or "summer time".

Other European countries not falling back include Belarus and Iceland.