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New Time Zone for Kemerovo in Russia

Russia’s Kemerovo oblast will apply a new time zone starting at 2am (02:00) local time on March 28, 2010.

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New Time Zone for Kemerovo in Russia

©iStockphoto.com/Viatcheslav Dusaleev

Kemerovo will no longer be eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+8) during daylight saving time (DST) from that date onwards. Instead it will be on UTC+7 during DST and on UTC+6 when it does not observe DST.

Kemerovo’s New Time Zone

The resolution (number 740), dated on September 14, 2009, regarding the Kemerovo oblast’s new time zone confirmed that it would move from being in Russia’s sixth time zone into Russia’s fifth time zone.

Some news reports claimed that the switch would bring positive results, particularly from a health perspective, to people living in the area. The change will also mean that the Kemerovo oblast’s time difference with Moscow will only be three hours instead of four hours.

The switch to the new time zone will not occur until March 28, 2010. The Kemerovo oblast’s new time zone will start at 2am (02:00) local time on this date, when other parts of Russia turn their clocks forward by one hour to observe DST. Kemerovo will not turn its clocks forward. Instead, it will remain on UTC+7 during the DST period and turn its clocks back by one hour to UTC+6 when other parts of Russia end DST in 2010. As a result, the time difference between Kemerovo and Moscow will be reduced to three hours.

The Kemerovo regional administration will provide timely information about the new time zone to the media and to people in the region. The decision to amend Kemerovo’s time zone was made based on the proposal of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Note: The CIA World Factbook refers to Kemerovo as an oblast, which is an administrative subdivision or territorial division.