Indigenous Women Asserting Rights are Not Terrorists

Indigenous Women Asserting Rights are Not Terrorists Ms. Vicky Tauli-Corpuz, Beverly Longid and Joan Carling, Philippine indigenous women, are not terrorists. LILAK stands by the three Indigenous Women leaders the […]


Para sa March 8, International Women’s Day Dahil sa lupa kami nabubuhay, dahil sa lupa kami pinapatay. Kundi man biglaan at tahasan, kami ay pinapatay unti-unti, dahan-dahan; sa pamamagitan ng […]

URGENT APPEAL- They need your help

On Christmas eve, 61 Teduray families from Sitio Makun, Barangay Limpongo, Datu Hoffer, Maguindanao fled their homes with nothing but their clothes on their backs, and with fear in their hearts. They left and moved to a nearby village after a series of attacks by the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) against Teduray and Lambangian communities living within Mt. Firis

The Language of Impunity

A day after Rodrigo Duterte took oath as President of the Philippines, Gloria Capitan, one of the leaders of the Coal-Free Bataan Movement, strongly opposing the operation and expansion of […]