
Make WordPress Core

Custom Query


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Results (1 - 100 of 2314)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#5034 Impossible to have duplicate category slugs with different parents assigned has-patch feature request high
#9547 Taxonomy - interesting 'unused' term_order column in table term_relationships. assigned has-patch dev-feedback enhancement high
#10511 Enclosure Custom Fields are automatically deleted reopened has-patch needs-nacin-feedback defect (bug) high
#14477 get_pages with child_of only works with uninterrupted hierarchies reopened has-patch wonderboymusic enhancement high
#15386 WP_List_Table::get_columns does not work for plugins reopened has-patch scribu defect (bug) high
#17133 Code Editor: Register ctrl + s event for plugin/theme editor new has-ux-feedback has-patch needs-testing enhancement high
#18801 Accessibility Enhancements to Settings API accepted has-patch settings-api taupecat enhancement high
#40878 Adding menus route assigned has-patch has-unit-tests needs-dev-note TimothyBlynJacobs feature request high
#45958 Errors displayed on shutdown handler new has-screenshots has-patch needs-testing defect (bug) high
#46149 PHPUnit 8.x support assigned has-patch has-unit-tests early php8 needs-dev-note jrf task (blessed) high
#2691 HTML comments in posts aren't handled properly. accepted wpautop dev-feedback has-patch needs-unit-tests adamsilverstein defect (bug) normal
#2877 A Slash too much @ get_pagenum_link() reopened has-patch needs-testing defect (bug) normal
#3260 XML output (rss, atom, rdf ...) should always use UTF-8 or CDATA for user input assigned has-patch stevenkword defect (bug) normal
#3329 Need to strip % from the auto-permalink in the editor. accepted has-patch needs-refresh needs-unit-tests pishmishy defect (bug) normal
#3670 Removing CDATA close tag ( ]]> ) unbalances the CDATA block new has-patch needs-unit-tests andy defect (bug) normal
#4463 Strange paging links reviewing has-patch needs-unit-tests defect (bug) normal
#4969 Make wp_list_* functions all behave similarly... assigned has-patch igmoweb enhancement normal
#5130 Linking to multiple posts on your site breaks pingback due to comment flooding new has-patch needs-refresh needs-unit-tests defect (bug) normal
#5358 Queried object on multiple tag query holds only first tag assigned has-patch defect (bug) normal
#5918 Allow non-ASCII usernames new has-patch needs-refresh enhancement normal
#6148 Internationalization of personal names reopened 2nd-opinion needs-design-feedback has-patch has-screenshots needs-refresh enhancement normal
#6269 RSS Import Doesn't Properly Strip CDATA Tags new dev-feedback has-patch defect (bug) normal
#6479 Encourage people to change default tagline assigned has-patch markjaquith enhancement normal
#7098 Multiple entity codes in POT file for the same character reviewing has-patch dev-feedback chriscct7 enhancement normal
#7231 wp_link_pages: option next_and_number accepted has-patch needs-refresh needs-testing sorich87 enhancement normal
#7813 export function does not preserve encoding new needs-testing has-patch tott defect (bug) normal
#7965 Database upgrade complete message should be an admin notice new has-patch needs-refresh enhancement normal
#8592 Private Pages not listed in the Parent dropdown reopened ux-feedback needs-testing has-patch SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#8994 Incorporate MediaRSS Plugin into core new has-patch dev-feedback technosailor feature request normal
#9102 Inverse proxy breaks permalinks assigned has-patch needs-testing needs-unit-tests early needs-refresh defect (bug) normal
#9175 Admin Option Page lacks Infos about serialized Option Values reopened has-patch enhancement normal
#9257 EXIF GPS data assigned has-patch needs-testing dev-feedback enhancement normal
#9611 Make comment feeds fail with an error code when comments are closed new has-patch dev-feedback enhancement normal
#9716 WordPress Theme/Plugin editor adds blank lines reopened has-patch needs-testing defect (bug) normal
#9864 Performance issues with large number of pages assigned 2nd-opinion has-patch defect (bug) normal
#9978 Sticky Posts are not ordered correctly after selection assigned has-patch stickies enhancement normal
#9993 Rss and atom feeds are dropping some characters assigned has-patch has-unit-tests stevenkword defect (bug) normal
#10219 "Older Entries" and "Newer Entries" links are wrong when entries displayed in ascending order new needs-testing has-patch enhancement normal
#10230 get_pages function: number and child_of parameters conflict assigned has-patch needs-testing needs-refresh defect (bug) normal
#10249 Page slug in cyrillic = Error 404 - Not Found! reopened has-patch needs-unit-tests westi defect (bug) normal
#10404 dbDelta creates duplicate indexes when index definition contains spaces reopened has-patch enhancement normal
#10483 Change post_name's length from 200 to 400 reviewing dev-feedback early has-patch needs-testing SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#10535 _wp_filter_build_unique_id issues with the first time a filter is hooked by a class reopened has-patch needs-refresh defect (bug) normal
#10543 Incorrect (non-UTF-8) character handling in tag's name and slug accepted has-patch needs-unit-tests dev-feedback needs-refresh westi defect (bug) normal
#10653 Update comment_author when display_name changes reviewing has-patch dev-feedback needs-refresh SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#10663 Category name handling wrong function is_category new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#10823 Bad handling of ampersand in post titles new has-patch needs-refresh defect (bug) normal
#10886 WordPress should not unnecessarily query posts at page load assigned has-patch defect (bug) normal
#10931 Verify Comment Email Addresses of Registered Users assigned has-patch needs-refresh enhancement normal
#10970 Remove 'siteurl' setting from options-general.php new has-patch enhancement normal
#10984 If content uses the nextpage tag then only the first page is shown in feeds assigned has-patch has-unit-tests defect (bug) normal
#11023 Gallery Category Doesn't change with article new has-patch needs-testing dev-feedback defect (bug) normal
#11207 WordPress may display incorrect message when post is saved/published/etc accepted has-patch needs-refresh bsamrajni defect (bug) normal
#11235 Pages whose ancestors are not all "published" cannot be used as parents for other pages. new has-patch 2nd-opinion needs-screenshots needs-unit-tests defect (bug) normal
#11248 Paged wp_list_comments() should always output something assigned has-patch boonebgorges defect (bug) normal
#11465 custom field duplicated accepted has-patch westi defect (bug) normal
#11585 WordPress should cache failed feed fetches so as to avoid overloading feed sources new has-patch needs-refresh enhancement normal
#11678 wpautop() fails on uppercase closing tags new has-patch dev-feedback defect (bug) normal
#11697 Keep private posts in the admin area / Was: Make private posts a canonical plugin assigned has-patch needs-testing defect (bug) normal
#11725 Add start and count attributes to gallery shortcode new has-patch feature request normal
#11895 Allow more specific image size editing new has-patch dev-feedback has-ui-feedback reporter-feedback feature request normal
#11903 insert_with_markers is not threadsafe accepted has-patch needs-refresh westi defect (bug) normal
#11946 Ensure image MIME type matches extension reopened needs-refresh has-patch Viper007Bond defect (bug) normal
#11950 Sticky Posts are too aggressive reopened has-patch stickies enhancement normal
#12056 target="_blank" being stripped from Profile Bio and Category Description new gsoc kses has-patch dev-feedback enhancement normal
#12084 allow preserving HTML in the_excerpt (specify allowed tags for strip_tags in wp_trim_excerpt) new has-patch needs-testing needs-refresh enhancement normal
#12104 'moderate_comments' capability by itself should grant the user the permission to See/Edit all comments from the Comments menu. new has-patch needs-testing needs-refresh defect (bug) normal
#12257 wpdb Scales Badly Due to Unnecessary Copies of All Query Results assigned dev-feedback has-patch defect (bug) normal
#12267 Upgrade loop objects to provide identical presentational interfaces reopened has-patch enhancement normal
#12295 More support to customize user profile edit page accepted has-patch needs-testing dev-feedback early nacin enhancement normal
#12456 Canonical URL redirect issue with post_id/postname permalink structure reopened has-unit-tests has-patch SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal
#12491 add a pre_template_include filter, so as to allow caching of the template file new has-patch dev-feedback enhancement normal
#12634 Media Library & Permalink Overlap assigned has-patch defect (bug) normal
#12682 Multiple password reset emails can be annoying assigned has-patch dev-feedback enhancement normal
#12684 Add Edit to Bulk Actions menu on Categories screen assigned has-patch dipalidhole27gmailcom feature request normal
#12706 Custom post status bugs reopened westi-likes needs-testing needs-unit-tests editorial-flow needs-refresh has-patch task (blessed) normal
#12718 Better structure for admin menu reopened has-patch dev-feedback enhancement normal
#12726 Add get_post_by_*() functions assigned has-patch needs-testing dev-feedback enhancement normal
#12756 WPMU does not handle files with two or more dots in the filename reopened has-patch dev-feedback wpmuguru defect (bug) normal
#12779 Better support for custom post types in WP_Rewrite assigned has-patch needs-refresh enhancement normal
#12799 Allow gallery shortcode to accept a maximum number of items new dev-feedback has-patch enhancement normal
#12801 Add Info link to plugins management screen reviewing has-patch needs-refresh chriscct7 feature request normal
#12826 AJAX trash posts new has-patch needs-refresh enhancement normal
#12877 Modular themes: Apply template hierarchy to folders within a theme new has-patch dev-feedback feature request normal
#12885 LiveJournal importer uses GMT date/time as local date/time new has-patch needs-testing defect (bug) normal
#12940 Add filter for contents of Quick Edit panel new has-patch close enhancement normal
#12945 Constrain wp_page_menu() accepted has-patch dev-feedback technosailor defect (bug) normal
#12955 Add get_post filter new has-patch dev-feedback needs-refresh feature request normal
#12960 Number of posts on the Users page should include drafts and pending review new has-patch needs-testing enhancement normal
#13041 Canonical redirection will redirect a non-exitant page to a post. reviewing has-patch dd32 defect (bug) normal
#13078 Make wp_register_style and wp_enqueue_style consistent new has-patch needs-refresh defect (bug) normal
#13103 "Unknown character set" during install into database reports successful install. assigned has-patch needs-refresh barrykooij defect (bug) normal
#13239 Filter locate_template template_names variable reopened has-patch dev-feedback enhancement normal
#13363 Edit Comments: Pending > Approving shouldn't make them disappear from screen assigned needs-refresh has-patch wonderboymusic enhancement normal
#13425 Image Gallery of Private Post is publicly displayed reopened has-patch dev-feedback defect (bug) normal
#13429 Updating Link URL on image within Admin with Gallery new has-patch 2nd-opinion defect (bug) normal
#13459 Conflict between post and page slugs/permalinks when permalink setting is set to /%postname%/ accepted has-patch ericlewis defect (bug) normal
#13655 Login/Install/User Edit should stripslashes() $_POST data new has-patch needs-refresh defect (bug) normal
#13701 Full support for middle and little endian permalink structures reopened has-patch needs-unit-tests reporter-feedback enhancement normal
#13743 Ability to choose a network default theme reopened dev-feedback has-patch has-screenshots needs-testing enhancement normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.