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Website settings

  • Mobile version

    Show a different version of your website when the size of the screen is too small for the desktop version. Edit this other version of your website by switching to mobile editor in the menu "view" / "Mobile Editor".

  • Website width

    This is the width of your website on desktop screens. If you set this number, it will force the width of the sections so leave this empty to set the width by hand in the editor for each section. By default, the sections width and website width is 960.

  • Website language

    This is the default language code for this website. Examples: en, fr, es...

  • Website Title

    Title of the browser window, and title in the search engines results. It is used by search engines to find out what your site is talking about. The title should be a maximum of 70 characters long, including spaces.

  • Website Description

    Description displayed by the search engines in search results. It is used by search engines to find out what your site is talking about. It is best to keep meta descriptions between 150 and 160 characters.

  • Favicon

    Small image displayed in the browser's address bar and in tabs. The recommended size is 16×16 or 32×32 pixels.

  • Website URL

    The address where your website will be available after publish.

    Publication Path - Help

    The folder in which I will publish the website. This folder content will be deleted.

  • Embeded Fonts - Help

    These are the fonts which will be embedded in your website.

  • Data sources for this website - Help

    Data sources are a way to import external data and use it as params of components in Silex.

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    Start with a template

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