Support » Fixing WordPress » Is there a difference between Posts and Pages regarding published date

  • The reason that I am asking this question is that I am using Open Live Writer (formerly Windows Live Writer) to connect with a WP site.

    Posts that are created with WP (not OLW) are available in the OLW Open > Posts list immediately upon publication whereas Pages created with WP are not available in the Open > Pages list until 24 hours has passed.

    The only thing that I can think of is that Posts use the “loop” whereas Pages do not. But I don’t understand the 24 hour *thing*. If I set a Page’s date back at least 24 hours, it then shows up in the Pages list.

    I have posted this on the OLW GitHub but thought that I would ask here as well. If anyone has any suggestions, they will be greatly appreciated 🙂


    • This topic was modified 5 days, 10 hours ago by  SniffleValve. Reason: typo
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  • Hey SniffleValve,

    Posts and pages should behave in the same way (in regards to publishing date).
    They are stored in the same place in WordPress.

    This looks like a bug with OLW. Unless the page is saved as a Draft or Private, it should show up just like a post.

    I would wait for a response from OLW. Please share any findings here if you can.

    You should also take a look at the desktop app for WordPress:

    If you have Jetpack installed, you can connect your self-hosted site to it and publish directly from it.



    Thanks Fabio 🙂

    Yes, that is what I was thinking as well; there should be no difference. It has to be the way OLW is requesting the pages from the db. In viewing the posts table, the only difference I notice is the post type: post or page.

    I will definitely post back here with what they have to say. I could be a holdover from the WLW days.

    Thanks for the WP app recommendation. I had looked at that a while ago but the thing with OLW is that it resembles and acts like MS Word, which is what a lot non-WP people are used to seeing and working with.

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