Support » Alpha/Beta/RC » Images in wide width and full width

  • Resolved Fabio Fiss


    Just installed RC3, and started testing adding new images to a post (with Gutenberg).

    When I changed the image to be wide width or full width, drag and drop stopped working for that block. Also, I can’t move the block up or down with the arrows.

    When I try to click on the arrows or use drag and drop I just keep getting the options for image alignment instead.

    I’m testing it with Google Chrome on macOS.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Fabio Fiss.
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  • Are you using Twenty Nineteen theme? Or some other theme?

    Thread Starter Fabio Fiss


    Yes, its Twenty Nineteen.

    Default install of WP RC3. No plugins or anything.

    This appears to be a conflict where clicking the drag handle causes the block to become selected, and the toolbar stops the drag from occurring.

    I’ve logged the issue here, with workarounds included:

    Thread Starter Fabio Fiss


    Thank you Andrew! 🙂

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    🏳️‍🌈 Plugin Review Team Rep

    I’m marking this resolved.

    We mark posts that already have issues on Github as resolved for sanity. It lets mods and volunteers know we don’t have to jump in and find an issue. You should follow the discussion on Github. Sadly you’ll need to make an account there to do that, but once you do, you can click on the “Subscribe” button on the sidebar.

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