
πŸ’¬ Connect your WordPress to WhatsApp in one click.

The best WordPress plugin for WhatsApp, with more than 400,000 installations worldwide.

Documentation | Add-ons | Support

⌁ What you can do with (formerly WAme) βœ…

πŸ›Ž Insert a contact button for WhatsApp on your website.

Add your logo, profile picture or even an animated gif. Define in which pages or zones it should appear, the delay time, if you want it to the right or to the left, only on mobile phones or also on the desktop. You can define a tooltip to capture the user’s attention, the limit is set by your creativity.

πŸ“Β Edit at publication level.

You can change main settings on every Post, Page, Product or CPT. In the right side you will find metabox where you can modify Phone, CTA, Message and display options.

πŸ”΄ Show a notification.

Use a balloon on the button to get the user’s attention. In this way, you ensure that you do not miss any important message you want to give them, surprise them in a less intrusive way.

πŸ“― Create call-to-action messages.

For users to click on the button, use custom CTAs on each page, product or section. Welcome them, help them and offer them offers or promotions. Read more

πŸ’¬ Customize conversation start messages.

So that the user does not waste time in writing. This way you will be able to know from which page it comes or what product is being consulted when you start the first conversation.

πŸ›’ Integration with WooCommerce.

Define CTAs and Custom Messages for product pages and for products on sale.

πŸƒ Dynamic Variables.

Use variables in your CTAs and messages that change dynamically for each page:

{SITE} ➑ Website title
{TITLE} ➑ Current page title
{URL} ➑ Current page url
{PRODUCT} ➑ Product name (WooCommerce)
{SKU} ➑ Product SKU (WooCommerce)
{REGULAR} ➑ Product regular price (WooCommerce)
{PRICE} ➑ Product current price (WooCommerce)
{DISCOUNT} ➑ Product percent discount when is on sale (WooCommerce)

πŸ“ˆ Integration with Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Facebook Pixel. sends the event automatically when the user opens WhatsApp. You can also create your custom events capturing $(document).on('joinchat:open'). View FAQs / Read more

πŸ’± Multi-Language & RTL Support.

To be able to support all your users, wherever they are. Our plugin is compatible with WPML and Polylang and also RTL languages are supported. View FAQs

🌈 Theme Colors & 🌚 Dark Mode.

You choose a color and we customize the entire visual theme of the widget. With Dark Mode display the chat window with dark colors and white text. From settings you can activate it or leave it automatic and detects devices’ configuration.

🍾 CSS Triggers.

Your pages can interact with and show the chat window or launch WhatsApp when user clicks or an item appears on scrolling. You just need to add a few CSS classes. View FAQs

⚑ Fast & Light.

Only load what need when needed. is lightweight and follow best coding practices. See tests report

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Developer friendly.

Fully extensible, with lots of filters and actions to extend its functionality or change behavior.


Extend with awesome features:

πŸ’― Plus. + gives you access to faster and easier support through tickets.

πŸ“‘ OmniChannel.

This Add-on will allow you to add more chat applications to the basic plug-in, in addition to WhatsApp. You can now add Telegram, Facebook Messenger, SMS, Phone call, Skype and FaceTime.

πŸ‘₯ Support Agents.

This Add-on allows you to add several WhatsApp accounts, defining the personal data of each agent’s profile, as well as their work schedule. This way customers can choose who they want to talk to.

🎬 CTA Extras.

This Add-on allows you to create rich content in the chat window, to make the calls to action (CTA) 😍 irresistible. You can add links to images, call to action buttons, you can even add animated Iframes or GIFs.

🎲 Random Phone.

With Random Phone you can add as many phone numbers as you want, there is no limit. Every time a user of your site clicks on the start chat button, they will be randomly and equitably referred to each of the different support numbers you have configured.

πŸ€– Chatbot Svachat.

Our Add-on Chatbot (Svachat) is designed to answer your customers’ recurring questions (FAQS) by creating a chatbot that interacts with the user and decides based on the user’s queries.

⌁ If you like 😍

  1. Please leave us a β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… rating. We’ll thank you.
  2. Help us with the translation in your language
  3. Visit our blog and find tips and tricks at
  4. Follow @joinchatnow on twitter.


  • Mobile example
  • Desktop example (with Dynamic Vars)
  • General settings
  • Visibility settings
  • WooCommerce settings
  • Page settings


  1. Upload the entire creame-whatsapp-me folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


Upgrade from WAme to

From version 4.0 we change our name to
To avoid using several prefixes from old and new versions we have decided to rename all them to the new joinchat.

  • All analytics events change from WhatsAppMe to JoinChat
  • All css styles change from wame or whatsappme to joinchat.
  • All actions and filters change from wame_ or whatsappme_ to joinchat_.

I can’t see the button or it’s over / under another thing

You can change the position of the button so that nothing covers it by adding this CSS in Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS:

.joinchat { z-index:9999; }

Higher values ​​of z-index are above, the default value is 1000.

If you need to move up:

/* always */
.joinchat { --bottom: 60px; }

/* mobile only */
@media (max-width: 480px), (max-width: 767px) and (orientation: landscape) {
  .joinchat { --bottom: 60px; }

Shortcodes / Triggers does not provide any shortcodes, but you can easily link to WhatsApp in two ways:

  1. Add an anchor link to #whatsapp (open WhastApp directly) or #joinchat (show chat window).
    e.g.: add in your menu a custom link with the URL #whatsapp
  2. Add a css class to any element, joinchat_app (open WhastApp directly) or joinchat_open (show chat window).
    e.g.: <img src="contact.jpg" class="joinchat_open" alt="Contact">

This works with your phone settings and message with dynamic variables, even on pages without visible.

For custom WhatsApp links, you can create the url with our WhatsApp link generator free tool and copy it to your links.

What about GDPR? don’t use cookies. save two localStorage variables for proper operation:

  • joinchat_views is a visits counter to control when to show chat window.
  • joinchat_hashes if you set a Call To Action (CTA), when user launch WhatsApp or close Chat Window the CTA hashed is saved to prevent show automatically that CTA again.

WPML/Polylang translations settings are saved in your site’s main language. For other languages translation go to WPML/Polylang Settings > String translations, filter strings group by “” and update the strings for each language.

Google Analytics integration send a custom event when user click to launch WhatsApp.

If Global Site Tag (gtag.js) detected:

gtag('event', 'click', { 'event_category': 'JoinChat', 'event_label': out_url })

If Universal Analtics (analytics.js) detected:

ga('send', 'event', 'JoinChat', 'click', out_url })

If your site don’t have standard names for UA tracker (‘ga’) or data layer (‘dataLayer’) you can set your custom names with this filter:

add_filter( 'joinchat_get_settings', function( $settings ){
    $settings['ga_tracker'] = 'gaCustom';
    $settings['data_layer'] = 'dataLayerCustom';
    return $settings;
} );

Google Tag Manager integration send an event (if GTM detected) when user click to launch WhatsApp:

dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'JoinChat', 'eventAction': 'click', 'eventLabel': out_url });

Facebook Pixel integration send a custom event if Facebook Pixel is detected when user click to launch WhatsApp:

fbq('trackCustom', 'JoinChat', { eventAction: 'click', eventLabel: out_url });

Other integrations

There is a Javascript event that triggers automatically before launch WhatsApp, which can be used to add your custom tracking code (or other needs).

  $(document).on('joinchat:open', function (event, args, settings) {
    // Your staff
    // Note: is the link to open, you can change it
    // but only, or current domain are allowed.

    // e.g.: Google Ads conversion


July 28, 2021
O melhor plugin de wordpress para whatsapp. Thank You so much!!!
Read all 115 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“” has been translated into 8 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • NEW: WordPress 5.8 tested & updated.
  • FIX RTL text align right.
  • FIX Send event to all GA4 properties.
  • Prevent faux WhatsApp clicks when chat window is showed automatically


  • NEW: Enhanced telephone input scripts now are included in plugin and self-hosted.


  • NEW: Add Thank you page in WooCommerce visibility options.
  • SECURE frontend escape html output.


  • NEW: Add integration with Elementor Finder.
  • NEW: Add compatibility with Storefront theme mobile toolbar.
  • Better dependency loading.


  • FIX some CSS optimizers break message bubble style.
  • FIX PHP notice undefined ‘telephone’.


  • NEW: Add support to new Elementor landing pages.
  • FIX fallback for browsers that don’t support CSS “clamp()” (i.e Edge for Android)


  • SECURE escape input values on wp-admin (thanks to Camilo @camilo517)
  • NEW can pass custom data layer name for gtag.js and GTM with filter joinchat_get_settings
  • FIX also send Google Analytics 4 event when Universal Analytics and GA4 are present


  • Front script better settings validation
  • FIX error with some prices on variable replacement
  • Bump required minimun WordPress version to 3.5


  • FIX jQuery 3 deprecation warnings for event shorthands
  • FIX JSON error with “"” on variable replacement
  • FIX Don’t load public hooks on wp-login.php page


  • FIX minor css error introduced in v4.1.5


  • NEW: Add links to WhastApp with #joinchat or #whatsapp in your href. CSS triggers and links work on all pages, even without visible.
  • NEW: Analytics event compatible with Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress by MonsterInsights custom tracker name
  • Load images when show button for better Page speed.


  • NEW: PHP 8 & WordPress 5.6 tested & updated
  • Cleaner placeholder on telephone field
  • Added lazy loading attribute for image


  • NEW: Ensure chatbox header is allways visible on mobile with better height control
  • NEW: WooCommerce, use custom settings on shop page for all shop catalog pages


  • SECURE with ‘noopener’
  • FIX PHP error undefined get_col_charset() on old WordPress versions


  • FIX error on prices with ‘$’


  • NEW: Use custom text on chat window header
  • Added ‘joinchat_app’ class trigger that opens WhatsApp
  • Added Telephone to translatable fields
  • Added ‘joinchat_disable_thumbs’ filter
  • FIX updated style regex patterns
  • FIX hide on mobile when user fill forms


  • NEW: show tooltip on hover button
  • NEW: hide on mobile when user fill forms
  • CHANGED by default clear all plugin data on uninstall.
  • FIX remove unnecessary get option ‘whatsappme’


  • FIX notification balloon text color white
  • New js event ‘joinchat:starting’


  • FIX WP Super Cache clear cache error on save
  • Image thumbnail fallback if possible


  • FIX WP Super Cache clear cache error on save


  • Minor changes: better encode emoji detection, check WooCommerce version, css fixes and improvements


  • NEW: Clear third party cache plugins on settings save.
  • FIX php error on image resize.
  • UPDATED International Telephone Input library to v.17.


  • Better public settings JSON output
  • Re-fix WAme deactivate


  • Fix WAme deactivate


  • Encode emojis if DB not support utf8mb4.
  • Better update from WAme (no manual activation required).


  • minor fixes.


  • NEW: brand.
  • NEW: Widget theme color.
  • NEW: CSS class triggers to open chat window.
  • Lighter, reduced assets size and deleted images.

CHANGED for SEO: All analytics events change from WhatsAppMe to JoinChat.

CHANGED for Devs: All css classes, actions and filters change from wame or whatsappme to joinchat.

See changelog.txt for older changelog