Recent uploads

July 20, 2021 (vv2.0.2) Software Open Access

pha4ge/SARS-CoV-2-Contextual-Data-Specification: Release V 2.0.2

Inês Mendes; griffie; Finlay Maguire; Bede Constantinides; Duncan MacCannell; Nabil-Fareed Alikhan

5 more version(s) exist for this record

July 17, 2021 (v2.1.4) Software Open Access

thibautjombart/adegenet: adegenet version 2.1.4

Thibaut Jombart; Zhian N. Kamvar; Roman Luštrik; Klaus Schliep; Julian Dupuis; Brian Knaus; Alexandre Courtiol; Becca DeCamp; Vladimir Mikryukov; Libor Mořkovský; Tiago Maié; RJ Ewing; valemon

3 more version(s) exist for this record

July 9, 2021 (vv1.1.5) Software Open Access

helske/bssm: CRAN version 1.1.5

Jouni Helske; sbgraves237; Kyle Husmann

3 more version(s) exist for this record

July 2, 2018 (v2021-07-02) Dataset Open Access

Gene Ontology Data Archive

Carbon, Seth; Mungall, Chris

35 more version(s) exist for this record

July 7, 2021 (v8.3.1) Software Open Access


Hugo van Kemenade; Andrew Murray; wiredfool; Alex Clark; Alexander Karpinsky; Ondrej Baranovič; Christoph Gohlke; Jon Dufresne; Brian Crowell; David Schmidt; Konstantin Kopachev; Alastair Houghton; Sandro Mani; Steve Landey; vashek; Josh Ware; Jason Douglas; Stanislau T.; David Caro; Uriel Martinez; Steve Kossouho; Riley Lahd; Antony Lee; Eric W. Brown; Oliver Tonnhofer; Mickael Bonfill; Peter Rowlands (변기호); Fahad Al-Saidi; German Novikov

37 more version(s) exist for this record


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