Inkscape(잉크스케이프)는 Windows, Mac OS X과 리눅스를 위한 전문적인 벡터 그래픽 편집기입니다. 이것은 자유 및 오픈 소스입니다.


현재 안정 버전: 1.1

Inkscape is just so absolutely jam packed full of features we can't tell you about them all here.


잉크스케이프의 예술가들은 끊임없이 믿을 수 없는 예술 작업을 하고 있느라 많이 바쁩니다.


어떻게 잉크스케이프가 가장 강력한 수준으로 사용할 수 있는지 알아보세요.



강력한, 자유 설계 도구

여러분이 삽화가, 설계가, 웹 설계가나 어떤 벡터 그림을 만들 필요가 있는 누군가여도, 잉크스케이프는 여러분을 위한 것입니다!

잉크스케이프가 여러분을 어떻게 도울 수 있는지에 대해 자세히 알아보고 싶습니까? 기능의 전체 집합을 보거나 써보세요!

우리의 소셜입니다!

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Seeking macOS dev contributor for Inkscape project

Banner from Inkscape 1.1 About Screen, CC-By-SA 4.0 Ozant Liuky and Adam Belis

While our software runs on Linux, Windows and macOS, we know it doesn't run evenly across all three platforms. The macOS version is in need of some serious love. That is why we are seeking to recruit a volunteer contributor to help support the project internally.


Welcome to Inkscape 1.1!

Banner from Inkscape 1.1 About Screen, CC-By-SA 4.0 Ozant Liuky

Among the highlights in Inkscape 1.1 are a Welcome dialog, a Command Palette, a revamped Dialog Docking System, and searchable preference options, along with new formats for exporting your work.

Here at the Inkscape project, we're proud to have contributors from around the world who invest their time, energy and skills towards coding, debugging, translating, documenting and promoting the program.


Meet Ozant Liuky, Winner of the Inkscape 1.1 About Screen Contest

Art Bot (Inkscape 1.1 About Screen Contest winner, Copyright © 2021 Ozant Liuky, Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

We recently caught up with Ozant, to ask him some questions about himself, and his use of Inkscape.